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目的:研究木菠萝叶极性部位的化学成分,阐明木菠萝叶降血脂活性的主要极性非多糖类化合物的化学结构,为木菠萝叶的后续研究和利用提供科学依据。方法:取木菠萝叶药材粗粉10 kg,用60%乙醇回流提取2次,合并提取液,减压浓缩后于4℃静置24 h,过滤,滤液于45℃减压回收溶剂,得到木菠萝叶极性部位浸膏。将木菠萝叶极性部位浸膏用大孔树脂柱色谱、葡聚糖凝胶柱色谱和高压制备液相色谱等分离技术进行分离纯化,得到单体化合物。用UV,MS,H-NMR和CNMR等方法对所得的单体化合物进行结构分析,确定其化学结构。结果:从木菠萝叶极性部位中分离、纯化得到3个化合物,经过鉴定,确定化合物1为牡荆素-2″-O-木糖苷(80.5 mg),为含2个糖的黄酮碳苷,分子式为C26H28O14,相对分子质量为564;化合物2为异槲皮苷(4.8 mg),分子式为C21H20O12,相对分子质量为464;化合物3为samsesquinoside(12.6 mg),为含1个糖的木脂素葡萄糖苷,分子式为C37H46O16,相对分子质量为746。结论:化合物1和3都是首次在该植物中发现。本研究小组在前期的研究工作中发现,木菠萝叶的非多糖极性部位具有良好的降血脂活性,而牡荆素-2″-O-木糖苷在其中含量较高,很可能是降血脂的活性成分之一。 OBJECTIVE: To study the chemical constituents of polar pine wood and to elucidate the chemical structure of the major polar non-polysaccharides in the hypoglycemic activity of wood pineapple, providing a scientific basis for the subsequent research and utilization of the pineapple. Methods: Take 10 kg of kiwifruit medicinal powder, extract twice with 60% ethanol, combine the extract, concentrate under reduced pressure, stand at 4 ° C for 24 h, filter and recover the solvent under reduced pressure at 45 ° C to obtain wood Polar pineapple leaf extract. The pineapple leaf polar part of the extract by macroporous resin column chromatography, dextran gel column chromatography and high pressure preparative liquid chromatography separation and purification techniques to obtain the monomer compounds. The structure of the obtained monomer was analyzed by UV, MS, H-NMR and CNMR to confirm the chemical structure. Results: Three compounds were isolated and purified from the polar fractions of M. spinach. After identification, compound 1 was identified as vitexin-2 “-O-xyloside (80.5 mg) , The molecular formula is C26H28O14, the relative molecular mass is 564; compound 2 is isoquercetin (4.8 mg), the molecular formula is C21H20O12, the relative molecular mass is 464; compound 3 is samsesquinoside (12.6 mg) Glucoside, the molecular formula C37H46O16, the relative molecular mass of 746. Conclusion: Compounds 1 and 3 were found in the plant for the first time in this study team found that non-polysaccharide wood pineapple leaf polar region has Good lipid-lowering activity, and vitexin -2 ”-O-xyloside in which a higher content, is likely to be one of the active ingredients of lipid-lowering.
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