Multiferroic ZnO obtained by substituting oxygen with nitrogen

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N-doped ZnO films were prepared in nitrogen plasma by pulsed laser deposition.Clear room temperature ferro-magnetism has been observed in the film prepared at a substrate temperature of 500 C.The structural characterizations of X-ray diffraction,Raman,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirm the substitution of O by N in ZnO,which has been considered to be the origin of the observed ferromagnetism.Furthermore,ferroelectricity has been observed at room temperature by piezoelectric force microscopy,indicating the potential multiferroic applications. N-doped ZnO films were prepared in nitrogen plasma by pulsed laser deposition. Clear room temperature ferro-magnetism has been observed in the film prepared at a substrate temperature of 500 C. The structural characterizations of X-ray diffraction, Raman, and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirm the substitution O by N in ZnO, which has been considered to be the origin of the observed ferromagnetism. Fermentmore, ferroelectricity has been observed at room temperature by piezoelectric force microscopy, indicating the potential multiferroic applications.
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The discovery and development of Ziegler-Natta catalyst has opened a new era of polymer science and industry. The Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of t
【摘要】近年来,伴随着广泛使用的因特网等科技的进步发展,社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,同时也影响到市场营销的思维与操作。本文主要探讨网络环境的服务营销策略创新。  【关键词】网络环境;服装营销;策略  【中图分类号】G250.72 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08-0148-02  在我国,服装行业属于紧跟时代步伐,流行影响力很大的行业,迫切需要接受最新的反馈信息,并将