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华宁供电有限公司以“三严三实”专题教育实践活动为契机,以落实业扩报装“五项机制”、电力营销领域权力寻租问题专项治理为切入点,以县内农业富民产业烤烟生产用电、柑桔种植加工用电,以及工业园区招商引资项目用电为重点,制定落实四项措施,提升业扩报装规范化管理水平,抓好营销服务工作,为华宁县域经济发展提供持续、充足、可靠的能源保障。为重点项目投产保驾护航针对县域经济发展实际,华 Huaning Power Supply Co., Ltd. took “Three Strict Three Truths” special education practice as an opportunity to implement the expansion of industrial equipment installed “five mechanisms”, the power of rent-seeking areas of power marketing special governance as the starting point to counties Focused on the electricity consumption of flue-cured tobacco production in the enriching industry for agriculture, electricity for citrus cultivation and processing, and electricity consumption in the industrial park investment promotion project, four measures were formulated and implemented to promote the standardized management of the industry and improve marketing services. Ning County economic development to provide sustained, adequate and reliable energy security. Key projects put into operation escort for the actual development of county economy, China
本文对33例慢性肾衰(CRF)未经透析治疗患者血清 T_3,T_4浓度进行了测定,其值均较正常组低(P
The detailed kinetics of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over an industrial Fe/Cu/La/Si catalyst was studied in a continuous spinning basket reactor under the conditi
我国大骨节病病区处于低硒地带,病区儿童全血硒和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSHpx)活性低于非病区。近年来发现人红 In our country, Kashin-Beck disease ward is in the low-se
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