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为揭示生长抑素在癫痫发生发展中的作用及其与癫痫患儿行为之间的关系,采用放射免疫法测定海人酸(KA)诱发癫痫动物模型脑组织与血浆生长抑素放射免疫活性(SLI)。对22例癫痫患儿进行血浆SLI的检测和事件相关诱发电位的测查,并用Achenbach儿童行为量表进行评价。结果显示,动物额叶皮层内SLI在注射KA后7天显著增高,可能与KA诱发动物癫痫敏感性增高有关。癫痫患儿血浆SLI显著高于正常对照组,其行为异常发生率为40.9%,N100、P300潜伏期均明显延长,血浆SLI与攻击行为、多动行为呈显著负相关。提示癫痫发作后血浆SLI的变化既反映了发作后生长抑素能神经元功能的改变,又可能是癫痫患儿行为异常或认知障碍的生物化学基础之一 To reveal the role of somatostatin in the development of epilepsy and its relationship with the behavior of children with epilepsy, radioimmunoassay was used to determine the radioimmunoassay of somatostatin in brain tissue and plasma of animal model of epilepsy induced by KA SLI). Twenty-two children with epilepsy were tested for plasma SLI and event-related evoked potentials, and were evaluated using the Achenbach Child Behavior Inventory. The results showed that the SLI in the frontal cortex of animals significantly increased at 7 days after injection of KA, which may be related to the increased sensitivity of KA-induced epilepsy in animals. The plasma SLI of children with epilepsy was significantly higher than that of the normal control group, the incidence of abnormal behavior was 40.9%, N100, P300 latency were significantly prolonged, plasma SLI and aggressive behavior, hyperactivity behavior was significantly negatively correlated. It is suggested that the change of plasma SLI after seizure not only reflects the change of somatostatin neurons function after the onset of seizures but also may be one of the biochemical foundations of behavioral disorders or cognitive impairment in children with epilepsy
Asemini is a Northern Hemisphere cerambycid tribe,and an important forest pest, mainly causing damage to coniferous plants.More important,as one kind of quarant
《武训传》  首先要提的是《武训传》。这部影片完成于1950年,正值建国大业甫定之际。该片讲的是一个通过行乞而兴办义学的小人物的故事,这个出身贫寒志向高远的小人物“武训”由当时的演艺界巨星赵丹扮演。影片一经推出,遂引发各方关注和赞颂。然而好景不长,批判该片的声音迅速发出。围绕着《武训传》的是非,是一幅令人眼花缭乱的历史图景。有机会看到此片的人当属幸运,而没有机会看到的人,亦可通过现在观看影片翻开尘
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论述了流程管理这种新兴的管理方法,详细地介绍了该方法在施工项目成本管理中的应用。 Discusses the emerging management method of process management, and introduces
The similarity theory was systematically introduced,by combining the theory and the analytic hierarchy process(AHP),and taking the dynamic changes of two-stage
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