商务部要求确保防治非典型肺炎药品、医疗器械的市场供应 做好商贸服务业公共场所卫生安全工作

来源 :中国经贸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxinyu999
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4月18日,商务部发出通知,要求各地商贸流通主管部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于做好非典型肺炎防治工作的部署,切实保证防治非典型肺炎的药品、医疗器械的市场供应。通知要求,各地商贸流通主管部门要积极协调商业企业加强与粮食、副食品、药品、医疗器械、卫生材料等生产企业的合作与沟通,协调交通、铁路部门组织做好商品调运,充实储备,密切监测国内市场供求状况,切实保证供应。要会同有关部门,严格禁止不法经营者乘机囤积居奇,哄抬物价,严厉打击制售假冒伪劣商品的违法行为,维护正常的经营秩序。通知同时要求,各地商贸流通主管部门要督促大型商场、超市、菜市场、餐馆、宾馆、饭店、展馆、生活服务企业等一些人口稠密的公共场所加强通风换气,做好消毒、清洁工作,对商贸服务业从业人员建立健康巡查制度,采取积极有效的预防措施,努力营造卫生安全的消费环境。要严把商品进货关,确保食品供应安全。 On April 18, the Ministry of Commerce issued a circular urging all commerce and trade departments in charge of commerce and trade to conscientiously implement the arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council on doing prevention and control work on SARS, and earnestly guarantee the market supply of medicines and medical devices for SARS prevention and control. The circular requires that commerce and trade departments in charge of all localities and departments should actively coordinate commercial enterprises to strengthen cooperation and communication with producers of foodstuffs, non-staple foods, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and hygienic materials, coordinate transportation and organize railway departments to carry out the transfer of goods, enrich reserves and close Monitor the supply and demand in the domestic market and ensure the supply. It is necessary to work with relevant departments to strictly forbid illegal operators to take advantage of hoarding, raise prices, crack down on illegal activities in the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and maintain a normal operating order. The circular also demanded that the competent commerce and trade departments at all levels should supervise the popularization of ventilation in some densely populated public places such as large-scale shopping malls, supermarkets, food markets, restaurants, hotels, restaurants, exhibition halls, life service enterprises, disinfection and cleaning work, Establish a health inspection system for practitioners of commerce and trade service industry and take active and effective preventive measures to strive to create a hygienic and safe consumption environment. To strict merchandise clearance, to ensure food supply security.
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