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在洛杉矶这座世界著名的娱乐之都、电影之都每一天都有许多悲喜剧上演。作为这座城市最伟大的球队,湖人也在演绎着自己的系列电影,而那些所谓的奥斯卡影帝们甚至只能在其中跑跑龙套。从德怀特·霍华德降临这里开始,湖人就拉开了本赛季的大幕:季前赛八连败、开局三连败、麦克·布朗闪电下台、菲尔·杰克逊竹篮打水一场空、麦克·德安东尼闪亮登场……这一幕幕看得人眼花缭乱,扑朔迷离……1惨淡的开局抛开季前赛八连败不谈,我们来看一下在麦克·布朗被炒之前的五场比赛中,湖人都创下了哪些丑陋的纪录:开局三连败是他们近34年来遭遇的最差开局,而历史上只有一支球队以0比3开局最终赢下了总决赛,那就是1990-91赛季的公牛;首场对小牛他们在罚球线上的命中率是38.7%(31中12),这是自1985年以来联盟任何一支队伍在获得超过30次以上罚球时命中率最差的一次,也是自1969年以来创造的单场比赛最低罚球命中率和24秒时代以来第三低的命中率(至少30次罚球);在与爵士的比赛中,湖人得到了46次罚球,比爵士多出了28次。过 In Los Angeles, the world-famous entertainment capital, the movie capital has many tragedies and comedy shows every day. As the city’s greatest team, the Lakers are also interpreting their own series of movies, and those so-called Oscar winner can only run in the middle of them. From the arrival of Dwight Howard here, the Lakers opened the curtain of this season: preseason eight-game losing streak, start three-game losing streak, Mike Brown lightning step down, Phil Jackson basket a fool, Mike D’Antoni debut ... ... This scene was dazzling, confusing ... A bleak start aside the preseason eight-game losing streak aside, let’s take a look at Mike Brown was fired before the five games, Lakers have set an ugly record: the opening three-game losing streak is their worst start in nearly 34 years, and history, only one team to start the final 0-0 win the finals, that is, the 1990-91 season ; The first Dallas Mavericks they hit the free throw line at 38.7% (12 of 31), the worst shot rate in any of the league’s more than 30 free-throw attempts since 1985 , The lowest free-throw percentage in a single game since 1969 and the third-lowest free throw percentage (at least 30 free throws) in the 24-second era; the Lakers had 46 free throws in the Jazz match, Out of 28 times. Too
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