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匈牙利著名思想家乔治·卢卡奇是20世纪最具有影响力和最有争议性的马克思主义理论家、革命家和践行者之一。美学研究和文艺理论是卢卡奇研究的重点方向,他的《审美特性》被认为是世界上第一部完整而深入的介绍马克思主义美学的巨著。他的很多哲学思考都是通过艺术评论的形式表现的,对于马克思主义文艺学的几乎所有的重要问题,他都有自己的论述。对于文艺理论,卢卡奇持反映论的观点,他把日常生活作为美学的哲学本体论基础,又强调是艺术把人提高到人的高度,并由此指出,社会存在是作为人们的实际生活过程,而审美意识却是一种社会意识,所以审美意识是社会存在的反映。但另一方面,我们来看马克思恩格斯关于艺术理论的观点,马克思恩格斯固然也从认识论的角度提出过艺术等上层建筑是受经济基础的决定的,上层建筑中的意识形态是经济基础的反映等等论点,但是马恩的创作论从来就不是反映论,马克思使用“反映”这个概念只是一种沿用,马克思提出了自创的艺术生产的概念。虽然在持有论上有所倾向,但我们不能认为卢卡奇的观点是有悖于马克思主义的。作为一个自觉接受马克思主义理论的思想家,卢卡奇对于马克思主义抱持着既坚持发展的态度,他坚持反映论原则是建立在他对唯物史观和辩证法的坚定态度的基础上的。他强调审美的主观特性是他对马克思主义经典论著的丰富发展,因此,卢卡奇的“反映论”与艺术生产理论具有内在的同一性。 Hungarian famous thinker George Lukacs is one of the most influential and controversial Marxist theorists, revolutionaries and practitioners in the 20th century. Aesthetic research and literary theory are the key directions of Lukacs research. His “aesthetic characteristics” is regarded as the first monumental work in the world to introduce Marxist aesthetics. Much of his philosophical thinking is expressed in the form of artistic commentary, and he has his own account of almost all the important issues of Marxist literature and art. For the theory of literature and art, Lukacs holds the view of reflection theory. He regards daily life as the philosophical ontology basis of aesthetics, and emphasizes that art elevates people to the height of man and points out that social existence is regarded as the process of people’s actual life , While aesthetic awareness is a kind of social awareness, so aesthetic awareness is a reflection of social existence. On the other hand, let us look at Marx and Engels’s viewpoints on the theory of art. Although Marx and Engels also proposed from the perspective of epistemology that superstructure is determined by the economic foundation, the ideology in the superstructure reflects the economic foundation, etc. However, Marx’s theory of creation has never been a theory of reflection. Marx’s use of the concept of “reflection” is only a continuation, and Marx put forward the concept of his own art production. Although there is a tendency in the theory of hold, we can not assume that Lukacs’s view is contrary to Marxism. As a thinker who conscientiously accepted the Marxist theory, Lukacs holds an attitude of adhering to development for Marxism. He insists that the principle of reflection is based on his firm attitude towards the historical materialism and dialectics. He emphasizes that the subjective characteristic of aesthetics is his rich development of classic Marxist writings. Therefore, Lukacs ’s “reflection theory ” has inherent identity with art production theory.
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