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日前,北京市昌平区十三陵特区办事处顺利通过北京四方联通认证有限公司 ISOQAR 国际认证审核中心对 ISO9001质量管理体系认证审核和深圳质量认证中心 ISO14001环境管理体系的认证审核,并获得英国 ISOQAR 有限公司颁发的带有“UKAS”(英国皇家认可机构)认可标志的质量管理体系认证证书,英国摩迪认证公司颁发的带有“UKAS”(英国皇家认可机构)认可标志的环境管理体系认证证书和深圳认证中心颁发的带有“CACEB”(中国环境管理体系认证机构认可委员会)认可标志的环境管理体系认证证书,不久还将获得美国认可机构国家认可委员会授权由英国 ISOQAR 有限公司颁发的带有“RAB”标志的质最管理体系认证证书。为进一步提高景区管理水平、服务质量和环境质量,树立良好的形象,并在质量管理和环境管理体系上与国际接轨,十三陵风景区(定陵、长陵、昭陵,神路)被国家旅游局评定为“AAAA”级旅游景区之后,全面加强景区管理.于2000年底着手实施 ISO9001质量管理体系和 ISO14001环境管理体系的建立、运行和认证事宜。 Recently, the office of Special Zone of Ming Tombs in Changping District of Beijing successfully passed the audit of ISO9001 quality management system certification and ISO14001 environmental management system certification of Shenzhen Quality Certification Center by ISOQAR International Certification Audit Center of Beijing Sifang Unicom Certification Co., Ltd., and obtained ISOQAR Limited Company issued with the “UKAS” (Royal Institutional Recognition) accreditation logo of the quality management system certification issued by the British Moody’s certification company with “UKAS” (British Royal Institutional Recognition) accreditation logo of the environmental management system certification and Certificate issued by Shenzhen Certification Center with “CACEB” (China Environmental Management System Certification Body Accreditation Board) accreditation logo of the environmental management system certification will soon be authorized by the National Accreditation Board of the United States authorized by the British ISOQAR Limited issued with the “ RAB ”logo of the most quality management system certification. To further improve the scenic area management level, service quality and environmental quality, establish a good image, and quality management and environmental management system with international standards, Ming Tombs Scenic Area (Dingling, Changling, Zhaoling, God Road) was After the National Tourism Administration assessed “AAAA” grade scenic spots, it comprehensively strengthened the scenic area management and started the establishment, operation and certification of ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system by the end of 2000.
据《Gas Turbine World》2012年5-6月刊报道,GE宣布已成立了GE-神华气化技术公司,是GE公司和神华集团50-50股份的合资企业,以推进清洁煤技术在中国的发展和部署。新公司将GE
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国大熊猫博物馆在四川卧龙建成@沈孝辉 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view pr
针对山美水电站3#机组励磁系统存在的问题进行改造,介绍了改造方案和试验效果。 Aiming at the existing problems of the excitation system of Unit 3 in Shanxi-Meihua H
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