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3月21日至3月23日,第十三届中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会在北京国际展览中心召开。本次展览共占用了国展12个展馆,有来自世界30余个国家的从事广播电影电视、通信、IT等行业的1000余家企业参加了本次展览。在国展熙熙攘攘的展厅里,记者观察到今年的展览最引人注目的是各种各 From March 21 to March 23, the 13th China International Broadcasting and Television Network Exhibition was held in Beijing International Exhibition Center. This exhibition occupies a total of 12 exhibition halls in the State Fair. More than 1,000 companies from more than 30 countries in the world engaged in radio, film, television, communications and IT industries participated in this exhibition. In the bustling exhibition hall of the International Exhibition, the reporter observed that most of the exhibitions of this year are all kinds of
The authors report a case of a 4-year-old child who developed hallucinations after hypospadias repair.He was brought to the emergency department the mornin g af
We describe a case of congenital disorder of glycosylation with chronic diarrhea, progressive liver cirrhosis, and recurrent infections. Transferrin analysis sh
<正> 写议论文,学生觉得最难。他们有自己的看法,但如何一步步阐发这个看法,却往往心中无数。或是短短一段便无话可说,或是套话连篇,语不切题,总之,教师要有计划、有步骤地培
<正> 写作教学必须进行大幅度的改革。为什么呢?概括起来,我谈以下两点: 一、写作很重要。过去重要,现在重要,今后仍然是重要的。尽管现代化的通讯技术日新月异,突飞猛进,我
在今天改革开放,社会主义市场经济腾飞的年代里,戏曲的竞争对手林立,为了保证戏曲艺术立于不败之地,成为竞争中的强者,提高导演的二度创作水准已势在必行,时不可拖了。 石放
Background: The incidence of germinal matrix/intraventricular haemorrhage (GM/IVH) reported to the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) varies be
Purpose: This is the first report of a bilateral nonischemic central retinal vein occlusionscombined with artery occlusions in a patient with acquired immune de