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一、勾股数与倍角公式我们知道,能分别是某个直角三角形三边之长的三个正整数叫做勾股数。本文将应用倍角公式导出生成勾股数的计算公式。在直角坐标系第一象限中任取一点P(x,y),记直线OP与x轴正向所形成的锐角为a,则 First, the number of hooks and double angle formula we know that can be a right triangle of the three sides of the length of the three positive integer called the number of hooks. This article will use the double angle formula to derive the formula for generating the number of hooks. Take any point P(x,y) in the first quadrant of the rectangular coordinate system, and note that the acute angle formed by the straight line OP and the positive direction of the x-axis is a.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。流产胎及复发性自发性流产夫妇的HLA-DQA1、HLA-DQB1@帅建华请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to
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如图1(甲),过△ABD 的顶点 A,作外接圆的切线,交 BD 的延长线于 C.如图1(乙).Rt△ABC 中,∠BAC=90°,AD⊥BC 于 D.上面两个图形表面上看来并不相同,但他们却有共性 As show
江苏省江阴市璜塘镇渔业队的张宇宝同志在《农民日报》上发表文章,呼吁有关部门要重视渔民的文化教育。他说随着 Zhang Yu Bao, a fisherman’s team from Huangtang Town,
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Objective Our objective is to build a model that explains the association between the exposure to trace elements in the soil and the risk of neural tube defects
这里以初中《代数》第二册第七章的习题为例,向同学们介绍分组分解法的若干技巧.一、巧用基本公式例1 分解因式 x~2-6x+9-y~2.解因为前三项是一个完全平方式,所以可把原式变
弗里曼在美国农业部的热带养殖研究所试制了一种蔗渣颗料饲料。把甘蔗茎榨碎留下的蔗渣经过加工配制成含有蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质的小粒,喂养池塘中叫作 Penaeusvannamei 的