Electric Voltage Tuning of an All-fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gelsy1982
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The electric voltage tuning performance of an all fiber Mach Zehnder interferometer which has unequal arm length is studied in this paper. This interferometer consists of two 3 dB fiber directional couplers, with one arm is affixed to a piezoelectric translators (PZT). When the voltage applied on the PZT changes, the output interferometric pattern will shift accordingly. The transmission period of the interferometer is 2.24 nm. When the direct current electric voltage changes from 28.7 volt to -28.7 volt, the pattern will shift for nearly one of its own period. The tuning sensitivity is about 0.038 nm/volt, and the linearity is 0.9991. Also, the relationship between the physical path length difference of the two arms and the interval of adjacent interferometric peaks is discussed. This component has potential important applications in electric sensing measurement and optical fiber communication field. The electric voltage tuning performance of an all fiber Mach Zehnder interferometer which has unequal arm length is studied in this paper. This interferometer consists of two 3 dB fiber directional couplers, with one arm is affixed to a piezoelectric translators (PZT). When the voltage applied on the PZT changes, the output interferometric pattern will shift accordingly. The transmission period of the interferometer is 2.24 nm. When the direct current electric voltage changes from 28.7 volt to -28.7 volt, the pattern will shift for nearly one of its own periods The relationship between the physical path length difference between the two arms and the interval of adjacent interferometric peaks is discussed. This component has potential important applications in electric sensing measurement and optical fiber communication field.
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