
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiacktalk
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问:我女儿今年11岁半,8岁时乳房开始发育,今年下身有分泌物,但月经还没来,我看到许多报刊讲小孩性早熟一般最终身高不会超过150厘米,现在我女儿身高142厘米(父亲身高178厘米,母亲身高156厘米)。我们非常着急,带小孩到当地医院检查,医生说是由于性早熟 Q: My daughter is 11 and a half years old this year. My breast starts to develop when I was 8 years old. This year I have secretions, but I have not seen menstruation yet. I see many newspapers about children with precocious puberty and their final height will not exceed 150 centimeters. Now my daughter’s height 142 centimeters (178 centimeters father, mother 156 centimeters in height). We are very anxious, with children to the local hospital examination, the doctor said is due to precocious puberty
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