
来源 :科学养鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:douche
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大西洋鲑(图1)、大鳞鲑(图2)均为鲑科鱼类,有洄游型和陆封型。大西洋鲑历史上广布于大西洋北部、北美南部安哥拉湾到安大略湖一带的淡水水域、俄罗斯的白海到地中海沿岸的葡萄牙。陆封型大西洋鲑成鱼平均体重3-4公斤,最大体重10公斤,体长20-60厘米,性成熟 Atlantic salmon (Figure 1), salmon (Figure 2) are salmonids, migratory and landfill. Atlantic salmon was historically widespread in the northern Atlantic Ocean, in the freshwater waters of the Gulf of Angola in the North American North Sea to Lake Ontario, in the Russian White Sea to the Mediterranean coast of Portugal. Landfill Atlantic salmon adult fish average body weight of 3-4 kg, the maximum weight of 10 kg body length of 20-60 cm, sexual maturity
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大银鱼以其极高的营养价 值和经济价值成为我国重要经 济鱼类之一,并在全国适宜水 域得到普遍移植,人工繁殖技 术也日趋完善。但受性成熟自 然规律和产卵场及产卵高峰期 监测技