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救治有机磷农药中毒未出现阿托品化原因分析保德县人民医院(036600)傅文国霍州矿务局中心医院张创克自1988年以来,我院共救治有机磷农药中毒者81例,均用阿托品治疗,其中9例未出现阿托品化,现分析报告如下。临床资料81例中男24例,3例未出现阿托品化,女57例,6例未出现阿托品化;年龄<30岁39例,2例未出现,30~50岁25例,未出现3例,50岁以上17例,4例未出现;氧化乐果中毒32例,未出现者3例,敌敌畏中毒28例,未出现者3例,1605中毒8例,未出现1例,1059中毒5例,l例未出现,3911中毒4例,未出现1例,敌百虫中毒4例。按《实用内科学》第8版分级标准;轻度15例,中毒31例未出现3例,重度35例,未出现6例。死亡8例中未出现阿托品化3例占37,5%,其中2例死于阿托品中毒。讨论一部分有机磷农药中毒病人在应用大剂量阿托品甚至中毒致死也不出现阿托品化,分析其原因如下。1.毒物清除不彻底.阿托品化不易表现。主要由于洗胃不彻底,忽视了导泻,故残存于肠道的毒物仍可吸收,阿托品化就不易表现、本组2例,1例洗胃不彻底,1例忽视了导泻。2.重度中毒不出现阿托品化与下列因素有关:①重度有机磷中毒,由于 (036600) Fu Wenguo Central Hospital Huozhou Mining Bureau Zhang Chong Ke Since 1988, our hospital were treated 81 cases of organophosphate pesticide poisoning, were treated with atropine, Of which 9 cases did not appear atropine, the analysis report is as follows. Clinical data 81 cases of 24 males, 3 cases did not appear atropine, 57 females, 6 cases did not appear atropine; age <30 years in 39 cases, 2 cases did not appear, 30 to 50 years in 25 cases, 3 cases did not appear , 17 cases over the age of 50, 4 cases did not appear; 32 cases of omethoate, 3 cases did not appear, dichlorvos poisoning in 28 cases, 3 cases did not appear, 1605 poisoning in 8 cases, 1 without, 1059 poisoning in 5 cases , L cases did not appear, 3911 poisoning in 4 cases, did not appear in 1 case, 4 cases of trichlorfon poisoning. According to the “Practical Internal Medicine” 8th edition grading standards; mild in 15 cases, 31 cases of poisoning did not appear in 3 cases, severe in 35 cases, 6 cases did not appear. 8 cases died of atropine in 3 cases accounted for 37,5%, of which 2 died of atropine poisoning. Discussion Part of the organophosphate pesticide poisoning patients in the application of high-dose atropine or even poisoning does not appear atropine, the analysis of the reasons are as follows. 1. Toxicity is not completely removed. Atropine is not easy to show. Mainly because gastric lavage is not complete, ignoring the catharsis, it remains in the intestine of the poison can still be absorbed, atropine is not easy to performance, the group of 2 patients, 1 case of gastric lavage is not complete, 1 case of neglect of catharsis. 2. Severe poisoning does not appear atropine and the following factors: severe organic phosphorus poisoning, due to
慢性乙醇中毒少见,除戒酒外无特殊治疗方法。作者于1987~1990年应用体外反搏治疗本病7例,疗效较满意,现报告如下。 Chronic alcohol poisoning is rare, except for alcohol tre
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本文报1例患者,女50岁。因患风湿性关节炎用糖皮质激素2年余,近来出现右下肢痛,活动障碍。经两次X线检查及病理活检·诊断为激素所致双侧耻骨无菌性坏死。 糖皮质激素致耻骨
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