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在新课改背景下,小学英语复习课上学生的自主性逐步受到重视。在传统教育中,复习课通常为大量练习的老套路,学生的主动性发挥不强。从实践经验出发,尝试通过创设真实话题,在话题中融入游戏活动等方式,把旧知识通过新的方式呈现给学生,从而使复习课充满趣味性,学生的自主学习能力也得以提高。真实话题的创设,其实是在课堂开始时对学生提出学习任务和目标,让学生带着目标去上课,从而提高上课的效率。而当学生在活动中自主讨论时,枯燥无味的单词、句子复习融入活动中,让学生不仅可以享受活动的乐趣,而且可以在不知不觉中记住、理解单词和句型。但如何将复习重难点和话题有效结合,还有待进一步探讨和研究。 Under the background of the new curriculum reform, the autonomy of students in primary school English review gradually receives the attention. In traditional education, the review class is usually a routine for a large number of exercises, students’ initiative is not strong. Starting from the practical experience, trying to present the old knowledge to the students in a new way by creating the real topic, integrating the game activities into the topic and so on, so that the reviewing class is full of fun and the students’ autonomous learning ability is also improved. The creation of a real topic is actually to propose tasks and goals to the students at the beginning of the class so that the students can go to class with the aim of improving the efficiency of the class. When the students are discussing independently during the activity, the boring words and sentence reviews are integrated into the activities so that the students can not only enjoy the fun of the activities, but also can unknowingly remember and understand the words and sentence patterns. However, it is yet to be further explored and researched how to effectively combine the heavy and difficult points for review.
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