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病历摘要例1女,18岁,住院号:29791。右下腹可还纳性肿物1年。劳累时肿物变大,平卧时可缩小。于1979年1月6日入院。查体:右腹股沟可触及3.5×3×3cm 大小肿物。质软、界限清,无压痛,肿物可还纳腹腔,还纳后压迫腹环肿物不再出现。加腹压后,肿物可沿腹环直达大阴唇。患者有阴道闭锁。临床诊断:右斜疝,先天性阴道闭锁。于1979年7月6日行疝修补术。切开疝囊前壁,见疝囊后壁由正常卵巢及输卵管构成。然后,在距卵巢及输卵管边缘1.5cm 处,绕其两侧直至疝囊颈切开疝囊后壁,将卵巢及输卵管还回腹腔,缝合后壁腹膜,按腹腔外滑 Case history summary 1 female, 18 years old, hospital number: 29791. Right lower quadrant can also be satisfied that the tumor 1 year. Tired when the tumor becomes larger, supine can be reduced. January 6, 1979 admission. Physical examination: right groin can reach the size of 3.5 × 3 × 3cm tumor. Soft, clear boundary, no tenderness, the tumor can also be satisfied that the abdominal cavity, but also satisfied that the pressure abdominal mass no longer appear. After abdominal pressure, the tumor can be directly along the abdominal labia majora. Patients have vaginal atresia. Clinical diagnosis: right oblique hernia, congenital vaginal atresia. On July 6, 1979, hernia repair was performed. Cut hernia sac anterior wall, see the posterior wall of the hernia sac by the normal ovarian and fallopian tubes. Then, at the edge of the ovary and oviduct 1.5cm, around the sides until the hernia sac neck incision hernia sac posterior wall, the ovary and fallopian tubes back to the abdominal cavity, sutured peritoneal wall, according to the peritoneal slip
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