Optimization of perforation distribution for horizontal wells based on genetic algorithms

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crystal_zirui
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Early water breakthrough and a rapid increase in water cut are always observed in high- permeability completion intervals when perforations are uniformly distributed in the wellbore in heterogeneous reservoirs. Optimization of perforating parameters in partitioned sections in horizontal intervals helps homogenize the inflow from the reservoir and thus is critically important for enhanced oil recovery. This paper derives a coupled reservoir-wellbore flow model based on inflow controlling theory. Genetic algorithms are applied to solving the model as they excel in obtaining the global optimum of discrete functions. The optimized perforating strategy applies a low perforation density in high- permeability intervals and a high perforation density in low-permeability intervals. As a result, the inflow profile is homogenized and idealized. Early water breakthrough and a rapid increase in water cut are always observed in high- permeability completion intervals when perforations are uniformly distributed in the wellbore in heterogeneous reservoirs. Optimization of perforating parameters in partitioned sections in horizontal intervals helping homogenize the inflow from the reservoir, thus This paper derives a coupled reservoir-wellbore flow model based on inflow controlling theory. Genetic algorithms are applied to solving the model as they excel in obtaining the global optimum of discrete functions. The optimized perforating strategy applies a low perforation density in high permeability intervals and a high perforation density in low-permeability intervals. As a result, the inflow profile is homogenized and idealized.
马克·贝洛长于比萨制作,于是萌生了向他人传授比萨制作技巧的主意,没想到大受欢迎。去年,美国著名杂志《村声》(The Village Voice)将马克·贝洛(Mark Bello)的比萨列为纽约
病例报告 黄××,10个月男孩(病历号39107),因发热1月余于1983年6月住院。患儿系第三胎,足月顺产。生后不久家长即发现无汗。1983年入夏以来,气温逐渐升高,自5月下旬起患儿