
来源 :肿瘤防治研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:you17
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目的 探讨MMP - 2 ( 72KD)、MMP - 9(KD)的活性与肝细胞癌 (HCC)浸润、转移的关系。方法 利用酶谱和计算机软件检测并分析了 32例肝细胞癌组织中MMP - 2、MMP - 9活性。结果 肝细胞癌 72KD的水平 ( 2 8 89± 7 2 8)高于癌旁组 ( 19 41± 5 52 ) ,P <0 0 5;肝癌组 62KD +72KD( 55 46± 11 64)与癌旁组 ( 2 8 0 6± 7 72 )比较时 ,P <0 0 5。同时发现 62KD恶性组 ( 2 6 57±9 3)明显高于癌旁组 ( 8 65± 1 98) ,P <0 0 5;转移组 62KD( 34 72 +13 52 )明显高于非转移组 ( 18±4 1) 62KD 62KD +72KD ;恶性组 ( 0 47)明显高于癌旁组 ( 0 31) ,P <0 0 1;转移组 ( 0 53)明显高于非转移组 ( 0 41) ,P <0 0 1。另外 ,肝细胞癌中 92KD的水平 ( 2 7 95± 11 93)明显高于癌旁组 ( 7 46±2 53) ,P均 <0 0 1;转移组 ( 35 59± 13 67)高于非转移组 ( 2 0 31± 10 18)P <0 0 1。结论 结果提示MMP - 2、MMP - 9的水平及活性与肝细胞癌的浸润和转移有关。 Objective To investigate the relationship between the activity of MMP-2 (72KD) and MMP-9 (KD) and the invasion and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods The activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in 32 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma were detected and analyzed by zymogram and computer software. Results The level of 72KD in hepatocellular carcinoma (2 8 89± 7 2 8) was higher than that in the paracancer group (19 41± 5 52), P <0 05; 62KD +72KD (55 46 ± 11 64) in the hepatocellular carcinoma group was adjacent to the cancer. When compared with the group (280 + 7 72), P <0 0 5. At the same time, it was found that the 62KD malignant group (2 6 57 ± 9 3) was significantly higher than the paratumor group (8 65 ± 1 98), P <0 05; the metastatic group 62 KD (34 72 +13 52) was significantly higher than the non-metastatic group ( 18 ± 4 1) 62KD 62KD +72KD; the malignant group (0 47) was significantly higher than the para-cancer group (0 31), P <0 01; the metastatic group (0 53) was significantly higher than the non-metastatic group (0.41). P <0 0 1. In addition, the level of 92KD in hepatocellular carcinoma (2 7 95±11 93) was significantly higher than that in the paracancerous group (7 46±2 53), P <0 01; the metastatic group (35 59 ± 13 67) was higher than non The metastatic group (2 0 31 ± 10 18) P <0 0 1. Conclusions The results suggest that the levels and activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 are related to the invasion and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
【评介】这首歌集叙事、抒情和幽默、讽刺于一体,此种类型的歌曲已很少看到了从商调式进入到宫调式,具有强烈的民族风格, [Comment] This song set narrative, lyrical and
基底细胞癌(Basal Cell Cancer,BCC)和鳞状细胞癌(Squamous Cell Cancer,SCC)是颜面部皮肤最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。本文搜集了我院1993年6月~1997年6月收治的颜面部皮肤癌42例,
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