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詹健威,湖南益阳桃江县人,黄埔军校第15期学员。詹君虽行伍出身,却能言善辩,是个文武双全的军中秀才。1943年5月,受当时国民政府国防部的派遣,詹健威一行四人到美国西点军校炮兵学院进修。修业期满,西点军校照例举行严格的毕业考试。考试结果是中美两国学员的成绩并列第一。说来有趣,这个考试成绩却 Zhan Jianwei, Taojiang County, Yiyang, Hunan, Huangpu Military Academy No. 15 students. Although Zhanjun origin, but can be eloquent, is a civil and military swordsman. In May 1943, dispatched by the then Nationalist Defense Department, Zhan Jianwei and his entourage went to the Artillery Academy at the West Point Military Academy in the United States for further studies. Upon completion of the practice, West Point Military held a rigorous graduation examination. The result of the exam is that the scores of students from China and the United States come first. It is interesting to say that this test score is
一、事故发生情况 1990年2月4日晚,由太原北站发往青海民和镁厂的装运液氯的罐车(工厂自备车,车号86080、86196、载重60吨)到达咸阳车站,由于安全阀作用不良,引起氯气外泄。
作者对美国佐治亚州埃文斯县女性被动吸烟与20年心血管病死亡的关系进行了研究和分析。 1960~1961年曾对该县居民进行过心血管病普查,内容包括危险因素调查、体格检查、人口