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目的了解淄博市临淄区布病流行病学特征,为制定防制措施提供依据。方法运用描述流行病学方法,对来源于国家疾病监测报告信息系统的2007~2014年淄博市临淄区人间布病病例信息进行分析。结果 2007~2014年临淄区共报告布病病例109例,平均发病率为2.14/10万,无死亡病例。发病率前3位的分别是,金山镇报告病例46例,占42.20%,平均发病率为6.44/10万;金岭镇报告7例,占6.42%,平均发病率为5.77/10万;辛店街道发病16例,占14.68%,平均发病率为3.84/10万。发病有明显的季节高峰,3~7月占全年发病例数的57.80%(63例)。40~60岁发病81例,占74.31%,男女比例为2.89∶1,农民占81.65%(89例)。结论淄博市临淄区布病呈逐年高发趋势,做好病畜的管理及养殖、屠宰人员防护是控制疫情的关键。 Objective To understand the epidemiological features of brucellosis in Linzi District, Zibo City, and to provide evidence for the establishment of control measures. Methods The descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the case information of human brucellosis in Linzi District of Zibo City from 2007 to 2014 which was originated from the national disease monitoring report information system. Results A total of 109 brucellosis cases were reported in Linzi District from 2007 to 2014, with an average incidence rate of 2.14 / 100 000 without any deaths. The incidence of the top three are respectively, Jinshan town reported 46 cases, accounting for 42.20%, the average incidence rate was 6.44 / 100000; Jinling town reported 7 cases, accounting for 6.42%, the average incidence was 5.77 / 100000; Xin Shop street incidence in 16 cases, accounting for 14.68%, the average incidence rate of 3.84 / 100000. The incidence of significant seasonal peak, 3 July accounted for 57.80% of the annual number of cases (63 cases). The incidence of 40 ~ 60 years old was 81, accounting for 74.31%, the male-female ratio was 2.89:1, and the peasants accounted for 81.65% (89 cases). Conclusion The incidence of brucellosis in Linzi District of Zibo City shows a trend of high incidence year by year. It is crucial to do a good job in the management and breeding of sick animals and the protection of slaughtering personnel.
机体内有破坏并排除移植细胞、癌细胞、病毒感染细胞等的细胞。需要由靶细胞致敏和促分裂因子(mitogen)刺激,才能发挥细胞损伤作用的是 T 细胞的亚型杀伤 T 细胞(KillerT ce
有时候,天气如同心情一样,晴对应着好,雨对应着槽,那么阴天呢,不雨也不晴的,对应着尴尬。其实,尴尬的不是天空,更多的是人心。  A记得买婚房那会儿,自己东奔西跑了两个月,一有空就馬不停蹄地找房子,几乎把这个城市的所有楼盘看了遍,还是没买到如意的—位置好、空间设计理想、物美价廉的房子。婚期一天一天地逼近,人晒黑了,腿跑细了,还是一次次乘兴而去扫兴而归。无奈,几番辗转,托朋友的朋友帮忙,买到一套各方面
蕙花开过两月之余,百合的花蕾就胀大了。其实,早在蕙花灿烂之际,百合的花蕾就已初现端倪。可惜,性急的蕙花,等不到看它的邻居百合的花蕊了。  蕙兰开在春末,百合是在盛夏嫣然吐蕊。  百合开了后,我把最大的一盆搬进了客厅,放在茶几旁边。我在屋子里忙碌着,进进出出随时都可以瞧见它的秀美和清雅。隔着一扇墙壁,也可以闻到它的幽香,一阵阵,来来回回,飘散着、弥漫着、芬芳着。我把所有的窗户都关得严严实实的,把这份
“禁果”格外甜 “禁果”一词来源于《圣经》,它讲的是夏娃被神秘的智慧树上的禁果所吸引而偷吃禁果,最终被贬到人间。这种禁果引起的逆反心理现象称之为禁果效应。 在古希
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