
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cywxp
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河南省沁阳市王召乡位于沁阳市、博爱县、温县三地结合部,全乡有29个行政村,近3万人口。该乡人口稠密,地理位置复杂。过去由于诸多原因,王召乡矛盾纠纷多、打架斗殴多、上访多,是沁阳市出了名的治安混乱“三多”乡的经济落后乡。近来年,王召乡司法所努力适应新形势发展的需要,积极探索新时期维护社会稳定新途径,以创新人民调解工作为主线,整合司法行政职能,走出了一条“民调组织网络化,调、防结合科学化,宣传、服务前移化”的新时期人民调解工作新路子。有力维护了辖区的社会稳定,促进了当地的经济发展。一、构建民调组织网络,服务一方百姓随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,经济利益格局不断调整,由此而引发的各种利益矛盾日益突出,因土地纠纷、经济纠纷等引发的打架斗殴、群众上访,困扰了当地的经济发展,影响了社会的稳定。为此,王召乡司法所针对新时期基层矛盾纠纷的新情况、新问题,有的放矢,寻求对策,切实强化司法保 Qinyang City, Henan Province, Wang Zhaoxiang is located in Qinyang City, Pok Oi County, Wen County, the junction of three places, the township has 29 administrative villages, nearly 30,000 people. The township population is dense, complex geographical location. In the past, due to many reasons, there were many contradictions and disputes in Wang Zhaoxiang, more fighting fights and more appeals. It was an economically backward village with “San Duo” township-known name in Qinyang City. In recent years, Wang Zhaoxiang justice efforts to adapt to the needs of the new situation and actively explore new ways of maintaining social stability in the new era, to innovate the people’s mediation as the main line, integrate judicial and administrative functions, out of a “poll organization network, Adjusting, Combining Scientification, Advocacy, and Service Advancement ”in the New Period. Effectively maintain the social stability of the area, and promote the local economic development. I. Constructing a Network of Polling Organizations and Serving One Side of People With the establishment of a socialist market economic system and the constant adjustment of the pattern of economic interests, various conflicts of interest have become increasingly prominent. Fighting caused by land disputes and economic disputes, etc. The petitions of the masses have plagued the local economic development and affected social stability. To this end, Wang Zhao Xiang justice for the new era of conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level of new situations and new problems, targeted, and seek ways to effectively strengthen judicial protection
当前 ,档案行政执法与其它各类行政执法一样 ,仍然存在执法体制不健全 ,执法部门之间职责不清、互相扯皮 ,现行法律、法规不完善等问题。然而 ,随着法制社会的到来 ,档案行政