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在市教委教研室的指导下,第19届上海市中学生作文竞赛组委会于3月份作出新的决定:举行“上海十大校园写手”的评选活动。这是市级中学生作文赛事中的首创。从 70万中学生中脱颖而出获得一等奖的90位同学,重新站到了“选手”的位置,迎接又一次搏击的考验,这是强者与强者争锋的“赛后赛”! 《中文自修》网站在3月下旬公布这90位同学的作品以后,引起了广大中学生的高度关注,他们用自己的眼光,用自己的心灵,用自己的感觉,投出了自己的一票。根据同学们的选择和专家的评审,其中的20位同学终于显山露水,又站到了新的起跑线前,参加下一轮的角逐。在这里我们刊登出他们文章的片断。而这些文章的全文以及参赛同学的相关介绍、照片等资料都高悬在《中文自修》官方网上。到《中文自修》网站上去!用你们的认真和热情去点击, 去选出你们心中的“上海市十大校园写手”。 Under the guidance of the Municipal Education Committee, the 19th Shanghai Middle School Student Composition Competition Organizing Committee made a new decision in March: Holding the “Shanghai Top Ten Campus Writers” selection activity. This is the first of a group of secondary school students writing competitions. From the 700,000 middle school students, 90 students who won the first prize and stood back to the position of “players” to meet the test of another fight, this is a “playoff match” between the strong and the strong! After the “Chinese Self-Study” website published the works of 90 students in late March, it attracted the attention of the majority of middle school students. They used their own eyes, and used their own hearts and feelings to cast their own votes. According to the selection of the students and the evaluation of the experts, 20 of the students finally showed their dew, and they stood before the new starting line and participated in the next round of competition. Here we publish a piece of their article. The full text of these articles and related entries, photographs and other information of the participating students are all suspended on the official website of “Chinese self-study”. Go to the “Chinese self-education” website! Click on your earnestness and enthusiasm to select your “Shanghai Top Ten Campus Writers”.
当 今世 界 已 进 入 网 络 时 代 。 为坚持马克思主义 在意识形 态领域的指导地位,不 断提高建 设社会主义先 进文化的 能力,我 们必须全面、深刻地分 析和研究 互联网对我
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On the 5th year of Qianlong,in order to stop the illegal mintage. And also for the sake of stabilizing the money value. The government began to produce the bron
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