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在以宗法制及宗法观念为基础的中国古代社会,女性被视为男性的附属品和工具,被男性排斥于政治生活之外,这一现象不仅见于一般的平民百姓,也见于生活在“帝国九重天”的女性。但由于后宫女性的特殊地位与身份不可避免地与国家的政治生活联系在一起,朱子彦教授从政治制度的层面剖析了皇权背后的宫廷女性这一特殊的女性群体的生存状态和她们面对重重制度的、道德观念的束缚对皇帝的施政及国家的政治生活的影响,否定了传统的“女祸论”,对宫廷杰出女性在政局动荡、社会秩序混乱的情况下主持政局、稳定社会秩序的作用给予了积极肯定的评价,从而展现了不同于娱乐媒体戏说宫廷生活的另类的真实的宫廷女性的生活状态。 In ancient Chinese society based on patriarchal clan system and the concept of patriarchal clan, women were regarded as accessories and tools for men and excluded from political life by men. This phenomenon was not only found in ordinary civilians but also in people living in the empire Nine days “of women. However, due to the special status and identity of harem women inevitably linked with the political life of the country, Professor Zhu Ziyan analyzed the living conditions of the special feminist group of court women behind the imperial power from the perspective of the political system, The restraint of the system and the moral concept on the emperor’s administration and the political life of the country denied the traditional ”theory of the feminism", controlled the political situation and stabilized the social order against the outstanding court women in the situation of political turmoil and social disorder Gave a positive and positive evaluation of the role, thus showing the entertainment media is different from the court life of an alternative true state of the court women living conditions.
采写 杨树    3年前,还不满16岁的李晓旭从葫芦岛体校直接被选拔进辽宁队时,教练和队友都对他超乎同龄人的强壮的体魄和出众的意识赞不绝口。大家唯一觉得不够理想的,就是测过身体后发现他的身高不会超过2米10,而如今,李晓旭的个子的确没有再长多少,但在其他方面,李晓旭却以惊人的速度演示着火箭式的上升。
采用在08#钢试样表面上涂覆渗碳膏剂,用CO2激光束进行辐照,结果表明该工艺渗层硬度高、渗碳速度快,说明激光膏剂渗碳是一种很有应用前景的新工艺。 Applying a carburizing paste on
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目的探讨新鲜周期单囊胚移植(single blastocyst transfer, SBT)的可行性。方法回顾性分析314个新鲜周期行SBT患者的临床资料,从年龄、囊胚分级等方面比较分析临床结局。结果妊娠组患者的年龄显著低于未妊娠组(P<0.001);选择性SBT(elective SBT, eSBT)组的临床妊娠率显著高于非选择性SBT(non-elective SBT, non-eSBT)组(