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牡丹衍生品是依托菏泽牡丹在社会、经济、生活、文化创意等方面所开发的周边产品。对衍生产品品牌的塑造是一个系统而长期的工程,它在产品的开发过程中占有不可估量的地位。正确的品牌塑造路线能赢得目标市场,增强品牌竞争力。牡丹有极高的药用和观赏价值,值得我们从多方面对其做深刻挖掘。通过对现有资料分析可知,目前对菏泽牡丹的研究文献大多集中在牡丹的产业化发展及花卉的培育养殖上,鲜少有对牡丹衍生品品牌塑造的研究。从长远来看,菏泽牡丹衍生品的开发还存在较大的拓展空间,正确的品牌塑造将对衍生品的开发起到积极的促进作用。对日后牡丹产业的更好发展将产生积极的影响。 Peony Derivatives is a peripheral product developed based on Heze Peony’s social, economic, living, cultural and creative aspects. The shaping of the derivative product brand is a systematic and long-term project, which occupies an inestimable position in the product development process. The correct brand building route can win the target market and enhance the competitiveness of the brand. Peony has extremely high medicinal and ornamental value, and it is worth our deep digging in many aspects. Through the analysis of the existing data, it can be seen that the current research literature on Heze Peony is mostly concentrated in the industrialization development of Peony and the breeding and breeding of flowers. There is little research on the branding of Peony derivative products. In the long run, the development of Heze Peony Derivatives still has a lot of room for development. The correct branding will play a positive role in promoting the development of derivatives. It will have a positive impact on the better development of the peony industry in the future.
G823.2女子撑竿跳高世界记录再攀升[刊,中,B]∥田径.2003,(9).-10-12(LF)女子∥撑竿跳∥世界记录G823.32我国优秀男子跳远运动员助跑最后两步速度变化特征的研究=The study o
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