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场外金融衍生品是指在有组织的交易所之外进行交易的金融衍生产品,由于其能够满足市场主体多元化的风险管理需求而在近几年得到了迅猛的发展。本文的研究主要针对场外金融衍生品市场的监管问题展开,在比较发达国家场外金融衍生品市场监管法律制度及其实践、探寻我国现有场外金融衍生品市场监管法律制度缺陷的基础上,构建适于我国国情且具有一定前瞻性的场外金融衍生品市场监管法律制度的框架。本文包括引言、第一章(场外金融衍生品市场概述)、第二章(比较与借鉴:美国、英国场外金融衍生品市场监管法律制度研究)、第三章(构建中国场外金融衍生品市场监管法律制度)及结语5部分。 OTC financial derivatives refer to financial derivatives traded outside organized exchanges, which have enjoyed rapid growth in recent years due to their ability to meet the diversified risk management needs of market players. The research of this paper mainly focuses on the supervision of over-the-counter financial derivatives market. Based on the comparison between the legal system and practice of over-the-counter financial derivatives market supervision in developed countries, and the exploration of the defects of the existing over-the-counter financial derivatives market regulatory legal system in our country, , To construct a framework that is suitable for the national conditions of our country and has a certain forward-looking legal system for supervising the market of derivatives outside the financial markets. This article includes the introduction, the first chapter (OTC financial derivatives market overview), the second chapter (comparison and reference: the United States, Britain OTC financial derivatives market regulatory legal system research), the third chapter Product market supervision legal system) and conclusion 5 parts.
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