
来源 :吉林教育(教科研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bocha007
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传统的英语写作教学常常采用的是以教师为中心的单向式教学模式。在新的教学内容展示时,大多数时间是教师的一家言。教师支配整个课堂,即写作内容展示——范文分析——命题——写作——讲评,这样单一流程。而在实际写作过程中有变成了完全的学生个体行为。在这样的教学模式下,教师只注重产出的结果,忽视教学过程,更是难以引发学生的学习兴趣。因此,英语写作教学总是让人觉得枯燥,学生的写作能力也差强人意。 Traditional English writing teaching often uses a one-way teaching model centered on the teacher. When the new teaching content is displayed, most of the time is a teacher’s statement. The teacher dominates the entire class, that is, the content of the writing - parsing analysis - proposition - writing - commentary, such a single process. In the actual writing process, there is a complete student individual behavior. Under such a teaching model, teachers only pay attention to the outcome of output, neglecting the teaching process, and it is difficult to arouse students’ interest in learning. Therefore, English writing teaching is always boring and students’ writing ability is not satisfactory.
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