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我在查地图,找寻乌苏里江。有一首民歌很好听,好些歌唱家在灌录唱片时,常常会收入这首曲目,这首歌叫做“乌苏里江船歌”。这首好听的歌曲伴随我有几十年了。我常听郭颂的独唱,还有改编后的小乐队的演奏,自己也常小声地哼。小声地哼,是因为我的唱歌水平实在太差,不好 I’m looking at the map to find the Ussuri River. There is a good folk song to listen to, and some singers often record the track when they record a recording. The song is called “Wusuli River Boat Song.” This is a good song to accompany me for decades. I often listen to the solo song of Guo Song, as well as the adaptation of the small band playing, I often hum quietly. Slightly hum, because my singing level is really bad, not good
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Procumbentes 组的野生种包括 B.procumbens、B.webbiana 和 B.patella-ris。它们具有供糖用甜菜育种利用的重要特性,如抗甜菜囊线虫的单显性基因、单粒、抗褐斑病和曲顶病
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