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Vogt-小柳一原田综合征为双侧渗出性色素膜炎,常伴有中枢神经系统异常和皮肤毛发改变。已往根据发病部位对其分为前部型(Vogt-小柳氏病)和后部型(原田氏病)。但是近年有人认为前部型是由后部型发展而来,实际上是同一疾病的不同阶段,在临床上很难将其截然分开,从而动摇了此种分型的实用价值。一般认为本病与自身免疫有关。因此治疗上普遍采用糖皮质激素类药物,并取得较好疗效。但目前临床上对应用此类药物的剂量、方法尚存有明显分歧,本文结合74例住院病人的治疗情况,就这一问题进行初步探讨。对象和方法一、治疗对象 Vogt-Koyanagi Harada syndrome is bilateral exudative uveitis, often accompanied by central nervous system abnormalities and skin hair changes. According to the past, according to the incidence of the site was divided into anterior type (Vogt-Koyanagi disease) and posterior type (Harada’s disease). However, in recent years, some people think that the anterior type is developed from the posterior type, which is actually different stages of the same disease, so it is difficult to be completely separated in clinical practice, which shakes the practical value of this type. Generally believed that the disease and autoimmune related. Therefore, the general treatment of glucocorticoid drugs, and achieved better results. However, there are still some obvious differences in the dosage and method of using such drugs clinically. In this paper, the treatment of 74 inpatients is discussed in this paper. Objects and methods First, the treatment of objects
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一、定义 将一高度凸透镜片置于患者眼前,给患者造成一种“人工近视”状态,使睫状肌调节松弛呈休息状,起了类似散瞳剂的作用的 First, the definition of a highly lenticu