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科技论文是人们认识和改造客观世界实践活动的科学总结,是将科技人员在科研活动中取得的成果以文字的形式作为信息载体、向社会、向科技界交流学术新成就,报导新发现、新发明,发表新理论、新认识,提出新思想、新方法,探索新规律、新定律等。在当今科技飞跃发展的时代,科技文献的种类和数量也越来越多。目前全世界的科技期刊文献有二千万余种,每年发表的论文四百多万篇;出版图书六十万余种;批准的专利四百多件。这些文献不但数量庞大,类型复杂,而且多种多样,出版分散,交叉重复严重,新陈代谢频繁。科技工作者们都希望自己的科技成果以及新理论为科学技术的发展作出一定贡献,也希望从浩如烟海的科技文献中查找到与所研究的课题有关的文献资料。同时,对于作者,他的论文不应与其它已刊登的科技论文重复,应有新的科技信息,有一定的学术价值、求实、可读性好。而且还应具备有一般的科技文献检索和为自己的论文作标引的简单知识(所谓标引是指:为了从科技文献中抽出有关某一主题(关键词或代码等)的过程)。本刊下面介绍关键词的标引方法。以后将不定期的为读者介绍写作科技论文方面的知识和有关标准。 Scientific papers are the scientific summarization of people’s cognition and transformation of the practical activities in the objective world. They are scientific achievements made by scientific and technological personnel in scientific research activities in the form of words as information carriers, exchange of academic new achievements with the society and the scientific and technological community, report new discoveries and new Invention, publish new theories, new understanding, put forward new ideas, new methods, explore new laws, new laws. In the era of rapid development of science and technology, there are more and more kinds and quantities of science and technology literature. At present, there are more than 20 million scientific and technological periodicals in the world and more than 4 million papers published annually. Over 600,000 books have been published and over 400 approved patents have been published. These documents are not only large in number, complex in type, diverse in variety, scattered in publication, repetitively repeated, and frequently metabolized. The scientists and technologists all hope that their achievements in science and technology as well as new theories will make some contribution to the development of science and technology. They also hope that the literature on the subject under investigation can be found from the voluminous scientific and technological literature. At the same time, his thesis should not be duplicated with other published scientific papers, should have new scientific and technological information, be of some academic value, realistic and readable. In addition, there should be general knowledge of scientific and technical literature and simple knowledge of their own papers. (Indexing refers to the process of extracting a topic (keyword or code, etc.) from the scientific literature. The following is a description of the keyword indexing method. From time to time for readers to introduce writing scientific papers and related standards.
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