
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangming286
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广州军区提出1959年昼夜发病率要在2%以下,同时在部队中消灭和控制痢疾、瘧疾、流感、砂眼、龋齿、肠寄生虫病等13种多发病。为实现这个计划,今年一开始便组织了全区卫生力量大协作。1958年末,军区召开了协作会议,在会上经过充分的研究讨论后,决定将全区划分为六个防治协作区。协作区内的医院、门诊部、卫生营、卫生連等机关,共同协作作好病人收治、医疗预防、卫生防疫、干部培养、科学研究等工作。继军区协作会议之后,各协作区也先后召开了协作会议,具体研究协作措施。海南协作区在会议上研究决定了更具体的协作方法:由部队、医院联合组成四个防治大队,分头到各个部队展开查病、 The Guangzhou Military Region proposed that the incidence of diurnal diseases should be below 2% in 1959, meanwhile 13 kinds of frequently-occurring diseases such as diarrhea, malaria, flu, trachoma, dental caries and intestinal parasitic diseases should be eliminated and controlled in the army. In order to realize this plan, a large-scale coordination of health forces in the region was organized from the beginning of this year. At the end of 1958, the military region held a coordination meeting. After sufficient study and discussion at the meeting, the military decided to divide the region into six prevention and control cooperation zones. The hospital, outpatient department, health camp, health and other organs in the cooperation area work together as a patient for medical treatment, medical prevention, epidemic prevention, cadre training and scientific research. Following the Collaborative Conference of the Military Forces, collaborative meetings have also been held in all the cooperation zones to study the measures of cooperation in detail. Hainan Collaborative Zone at the meeting decided to study a more specific method of collaboration: the troops and hospitals formed a joint four control brigade, separately to each unit to start the disease check,
本组50例颈动脉系统闭塞患者,企图用脑血管造影术来肯定诊断。造影结果为:39例(78%)显示血管闭塞,9例(18%)正常,2例显示血管移位。根据观察可知,卒中发作和造影的时 The grou
本文对116例慢阻肺疾患(COPD)患者进行肺通气和弥散10项功能检查,结果报告如下。一、资料与方法:116例 COPD 均系缓解期患者,其中慢性支气管炎(慢气)44例,男32例,女12例,年
各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),国务院有关部委及行业总会,总后营房部,中建总公司: 为鼓励广大勘察设计人员精心设计,努力提高建设工程勘察设计水平,创作出更多的质量优、
儿童的交往技能分为微笑、打招呼、礼貌、参加同伴活动、邀请、交谈、合作、助人、独立性和仪表、打扮等。 Children’s interaction skills are divided into smiling, gr