
来源 :中国经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Stephanie1121
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1880年朝鲜请求派员前往天津机器局学习军械制造,中国基于“实难再缓”和“固我藩篱”的考虑,积极促成此次来学。李鸿章以“易办而急需者”行之的原则对朝鲜学徒所学内容进行了详细安排。津局官员根据兴办洋务的体会与经验,通过传授西语、赠阅西书、令其观摩各局厂,分配学员进行培训,使其对于西方军事科学技术有了朦胧的认识。对比同在津学习的神机营学徒,津局对于朝鲜学徒的施教似尽其所能,神机营求之不可得的内容均在朝鲜学徒所学之列,然吊诡之处在于朝鲜舍全而求学于神机营。最后施教的效果,朝鲜学徒仅以获神机营小手器械而归。 In 1880, North Korea asked to send personnel to Tianjin Machinery Bureau to study the manufacture of ordnance. China made a positive contribution to this study based on the consideration of “real difficulty” and “self-solidarity”. Li Hung-chang conducted a detailed arrangement on the contents of apprenticeships in North Korea on the principle of “being in a much-needed position and in a much-needed position”. According to the experience and experience of establishing the Westernization Council, officials from the Tianjin Bureau sent Western books and Western books to observe the factories and allocate trainees to train them so as to make them have a vague understanding of Western military science and technology. Contrasting with the Shenji-camp apprentice who studies in Tianjin, the Tianjin Bureau does everything he can to teach apprentices in North Korea. The contents that are not available to God-seeking camps are all studied by North Korean apprentices. However, All and study in God machine camp. Finally, the effect of teaching, North Korea apprentice only to get the small arms of God machine camp and return equipment.
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2004年2月之6日,Canon公司在人民大会堂召开了题为”珠联璧合合纵共赢”的大型新品发布会,推出涵盖数码影像输入输出领域的20款新产品。 On February 6, 2004, Canon held a