A Fairyland of Leisure

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  Mountains, hills and rivers interlace in Shangsi County, Fangchenggang, Guangxi. Hills lie in its south and north and mountains are in the middle. Located in the southeast of Shangsi County, Shiwan Mountain National Forest Park is an ideal place for escaping summer and sightseeing. The well protected primitive forest, pure rivers and natural herb bathing pool are the highlights. The county is at one with the mountains. It is the only ecological county with a full mountain view in this area, where investors can build mountain-view houses everywhere.
  The jade-like lucid creek in the Shiwan Mountain
  The county has both nice weather and a sound environment, for which it has been nominated as “China’s Oxygen Capital” and “Longevity County”. It is also home to abundant golden camellias and egrets. The mountain also provides a habitat for cloud leopards, leopards, forest musk deer, giant lizards and pythons.
  For city-dwellers longing for fresh air, Shiwan Mountain in Shangsi County with its vast forest is a natural oxygen bar. The well protected primitive forest, pure rivers and natural herb bathing pool are the highlights. For adventure seekers, the mountain peak, with its almost vertical and slippery steps, offers a challenge that will quicken the heartbeat.
  As you approach, you see the well-preserved mountain surrounded by dense forests and creeks with their almost crystal clear water. The mountain also provides a habitat for rare and endangered species. As you climb the winding mountain road, you find yourself surrounded by thick clouds and dense canopies below you. As you are halfway up the mountain, the evergreen forests, dotted with stunning wildflowers, offer you a spectacular view of the landscape. On the horizon, valleys, rocks, cliffs and peaks start to reveal themselves. Thanks to its magnificent view of undulating hills covered with lush forests, all the weariness brought by travel disappears. With the rolling mountains looming in the distance and a sea of clouds hovering over the lower part of the mountains, the visit indeed refreshes the mind and heart.
  At the foot of the Shiwan Mountain, there is the Jiulong Pond of Yao Village. The Pond has a total length of five kilometers, and a fall of 180 meters. It takes about two hours to walk from one end to the other. There are full of strange stones and forests. Visitors can experience the excitement of the rafting and relax themselves from their busy work. When the sun shines on the river, the water is just like silver glistening on the surface, creating a dreamlike view. As the sun sets, the sunlight is taken away. A few minutes later, a vast stretch of evening clouds over the mountain will give away to the twinkling stars. Besides exciting rafting, visitors can also enjoy themselves by wandering around the forests at the Yao Village. Visitors can experience what it is like to be a fisherman near the pond. It is also an ideal place for those who just want to immerse themselves in the scenery or just wander in the water with bare feet.   An unexceptionable experience in Shangsi
  Thanks to its unparalleled beauty featuring a vast stretch of forest, rare wild animals and plants and mysterious ethnic group, Shangsi County’s Shiwan Mountain attracts travellers from all over the world. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by the cool breeze from mountain. Apart from Shiwan Mountain, you are still able to find more in Shangsi. It is good to visit the county at any time of a year due to the warm and humid climate all year round. May to October is the best period anyway. Please remember to check the weather if you want to go there from June to September because it is the time when typhoon frequently happens.
  Moshi Valley Scenic Area
  Moshi Valley is meandering forward like a giant dragon, coiling itself around the Shiwan Mountain and occupying the valley of Shangsi. It boasts the combination of peak, rock, pond, waterfall and forest. In spring, hills and gullies are suffused with beautiful and luxuriant azaleas in blossom; in summer days, there are eyeful sumptuous and verdant greenery, as well as rushing rain and whistling wind; in autumn, there are a thousand hills and serried woods deep-dyed by yellow leaves; and in the winter sunlight, it is like a tranquil world.
  Nanshan Longevity Tourism Resort
  Located in the south part of Shiwan Mountain, it boasts forests, rivers, lakes and waterfalls. It is especially famous for its Green Pond, also known as the “Queens’ Bathing Pool”, which is popular among tourists for its mysterious tales and its health functions. It is said the water in the pond was a kind of miracle water in which queens in ancient times bathed. The water is said to have the function of improving people’s skin and making it smoother. Now the Green Pond is open to the public for swimming and having fun.
  Birds Paradise
  Near the Shiwan Mountain, Birds Paradise is a theme park for the appreciation of all kinds of rare birds, together with leisure vacation, popular science education, sports training, as well as environmental protection. At present, Birds Paradise has been home to dozens of birds, including peacocks, ostriches, golden pheasants, vultures and gray cranes.
  Naban Reservoir (Jinyin Lake)
  If we say mountains in Shangsi County are bold and vigorous rough-sketched men, then the waters in Shangsi County will be gentle and dainty delicately-portrait ladies. About 4 kilometers southeast of Shangsi County, Naban Reservoir shows a picturesque scenery with twisting waterways.
  Wen Temple (Temple of Confucius)
  Built in 1510 of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Wen Temple of Shangsi County includes the main hall, back hall, pond and memorial temples for famous villagers. With green tile and red brick, as well as exquisite carved art, the Wen Temple is a resplendent architecture in local area.
The chirping and singing of hundreds of birds wakes up the vast forest from its sweet dream; the sunrise shines on the rivers and makes them glittering; rosy clouds put on new clothes on the mountains
有人说,在巴厘岛,可以错过一些“打卡”景点,但不能错过体验一次古法SPA。  巴厘岛古法SPA是一种有着悠久历史的芳香养生方式。早在13世纪,巴厘岛人就懂得用天然芳草、香料的植物特性来排除体内毒素,促进血液循环,保持肌肤的柔嫩、光滑。这种美容养生方式在宫廷里兴起了一股风潮,那时候,皇后及王妃们在出席各种场合前,都会用各种香料及鲜花为自己梳妆打扮一番。宫廷里若逢公主出嫁,在婚礼前的一个礼拜,公主每天
新鲜的食材、精致的礼品、特色的小吃……集市就像是一個城市文化的缩影,隐藏着最地道的城市味道。如果你有填不满的胃、逛不断的腿、空空如也的行李箱的话,就跟着小编去东南亚的特色集市走一走吧。  泰国恰图恰周末市场(Chatuchak Weekend Market)  恰图恰周末市场是世界上最大的周末市场,15个足球场大的市场里总共有9000多家店挤在一起,展示着服装、手工艺品、古董、花草、宠物、食品以及
从墨尔本的South Yarra火车站出来,左拐,我径直走进了一家著名的越南面包店,买了一个脆皮猪肉三明治吃。  一个合格的越南三明治标配如下:  首先,把面包对半切开,在一侧涂抹酱料,先是蛋黄酱打底,上面再抹上一层厚厚的猪肝泥,本地人称为pate;其次,放进新鲜出炉的肉类,选择何种类型全凭食客个人喜好,可以选择大排、叉烧、脆肉等,同时也有鸡肉、金枪鱼等其他种类可选;最后,就是添加各类蔬菜,为了口
马来西亚拥有得天独厚的地理条件,西接马六甲海峡,东临南中国海,西北有安达曼海,其海岸线长达 4800 公里,這里拥有许多世界公认的最美丽的岛屿。在优美宁静的海滩环绕下,蕴藏着珍贵的自然宝藏。  若你是一个海岛控,马来西亚这9个被CNN评选出的最美岛屿肯定不会让你失望。  NO.9 深受当地人喜爱的邦咯岛(Pangkor)  位于马来西亚霹雳州西南部海岸的邦咯岛被公认为世界上最美的岛屿之一,虽然仅有
到过东南亚旅行的达人们,对于“海娜”纹身一定不陌生。  海娜纹身(Henna Tattoo)起源于印度,也称为“曼海蒂”(mehndi),是一种可以短时间保存的人体绘画,也是一种古老的身体装饰艺术。据考察,这种手绘艺术已经有5000多年历史,在20世纪90年代开始盛行于东南亚、中东、北非等地区。  海娜纹身和我们平时熟悉的纹身不太一样,它最大的好处就是不会让你感到疼痛。两者都可以被看作是人体艺术,
由新加坡WOHA建筑事务所设计的阿丽拉乌鲁瓦图度假酒店(Alila Villas Uluwatu)坐落于100米高的峭壁之上,视野开阔,景色浪漫。酒店的一树一木都取自于当地,遵守低碳标准,从食物到SPA都推崇有机理念,是巴厘岛度假区首获绿色地球认证的别墅,也是巴厘岛第一个得到全球最高标准认证的环保型酒店。2012英国版《康德纳仕旅行者》将其评为“世界最佳酒店”。  高大的石灰岩峭壁之上挺立着一片灰
去走一走那一座桥吧。它一头连着“夫”,一头连着“妻”,“夫”是千百年趵遗留的热带雨林景观,“妻”是温柔浪漫的延绵沙滩。在这完美保持了生态平衡的两个小岛上,感受大自然最原始的状态,在别墅中心情地观赏日升日落。  独一无二的爱巢  也许你去过了马尔代夫的一岛一酒店,也已经到泰国的奢华海岛度假过好几回,但像颂莎一样由两座相邻岛屿組成的,一半是酒店一半是热带雨林的情人海岛你一定了解甚少。因为说到柬埔寨,9
对于很多人来说,即使没有去过安徽黄山,也不会完全陌生。这份“不陌生”或许源于家喻户晓的“迎客松”,或许源于小学课本里那篇《黄山奇石》,又或许,是源于出现在87版《红楼梦》电视剧中的那块“顽石”,即黄山的“飞来石”。  明代旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两游黄山,曾赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”又留下“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。黄山作为世界文化与自然遗产、世界地质公园、国家级风景名胜区、