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1996年无疑是中国股市最为火爆的一年,经过长达一年半的低迷不振后,在宏观经济环境全面好转的大背景下,以“九七回归”为契机,深圳股市率先掀起“价值回归”的浪潮,中国股市风起云涌,以深发展、四川长虹等绩优股为龙头,行情绵延不绝,这在中国股市的发展史上是绝无仅有的。而山东股借此春风,一反长期以来沉闷呆滞的市场形象,以优异的表现尽显“黑马”风采。山东作为改革开放的前沿省份,近几年经济发展迅速,股份制改造走在全国前面,截止1996年10月18日,在沪、深两个交易所挂牌的上市公司已达15家,其中深市5家,沪市10家。从这些上市公司情况看,既有产品享誉全国乃至世界的名牌企业“青岛双星”、“青岛海尔”、“青岛啤酒”、“济南轻骑”等公司,也有行业属国家重点扶持的能源化工等基础行业,如“石油大明”、“鲁北化工”、“山东农药”等。 In 1996, it was undoubtedly the hottest year in China’s stock market. After a year and a half of sluggishness, under the background of a complete improvement in the macroeconomic environment and taking the opportunity of “returning to 1997”, Shenzhen stock market took the lead to set off “The return of value” wave, the Chinese stock market surging to Shenzhen Development, Sichuan Changhong and other blue chip as a leader, an endless market, which in the history of China’s stock market is unique. Shandong shares this spring breeze, a long dull and dull market image, with outstanding performance to show “dark horse ” style. As a front-line province for reform and opening up, Shandong has enjoyed rapid economic growth and joint-stock reform in front of the country in recent years. As of October 18, 1996, Shandong listed listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges reached 15, of which Shenzhen 5, Shanghai 10. From the situation of these listed companies, both well-known enterprises in the country and even the world famous brand companies such as “Qingdao Double Star”, “Qingdao Haier”, “Tsingtao Brewery”, “Jinan Qingqi” and other companies, Key industries such as energy and chemical industries supported by the state, such as “Daming Oil”, “Lubei Chemical Industry”, “Shandong Pesticide” and so on.
Resistin does not appear to be a major gene predisposing to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However, an association of a resistin variant with body mass index
针对市场物价呈现较高涨幅,吉林调查总队主动开展工作,为省委省政府控制物价、促进市场价格稳定提供了较好的服务,赢得了省委省政府的高度赞扬和充分肯定。 In response to