
来源 :大学英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redredlove
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People have beliefs since ancient times that dreams were very important. More recently psychiatrist Sigmund Freud believed dreams showed a person’s true hidden feelings. He said dreams were the result of sexual and aggressive needs and represented a person’s deepest desires. Many psychiatrists now dispute the importance of dreams in treating mental illness. But many say that understanding the meaning of dreamscan help people solve their emotional problems. Scientists say two thirds of our dreams are unhappy. A study of 10,000 dreams show that about two of every three dreams were about anger, fear or People have beliefs since ancient times that dreams were very important. More psychiatrist Sigmund Freud believed dreams showed a person’s true hidden feelings. He said dreams were the result of sexual and aggressive needs and represented a person’s deepest desires. Many psychiatrists now disputed the importance of Of dreams in dealing mental illness. But many say that understanding the meaning of dreamscan help people solve their emotional problems. Scientists say two thirds of our dreams are unhappy. A study of 10,000 dreams show that about two of every three dreams were about anger, Fear or
美国东部时间6月29日下午6点,即北京时间6月30日早上6点,苹果手机iPhone在全美开始销售。据国外媒体报道,上千名苹果粉丝几天前就开始在苹果专卖店门口排队等候,场面异常火爆。执著地守候,彻夜地期盼,购买后的狂喜,这是一群对iPhone“爱疯”的人。    苹果的产品每次出来都会吸引大批眼球,iPhone的面世同样让中国消费者望眼欲穿,淘宝网上已经有各地的卖家公开转售。记者曾以买家的身份和一位
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18. When our car broke down I knocked on the door of the nearest house. The owner very kindly look us______and gave us a bed for the night.19. Jack has gone___
Early astir, our family started the trip west to the mountains.The spring morning was rather cool, a sign of good weather for mountain climbing. A gentle breez