Comparison of photosynthesis and antioxidative protection in Sophora moorcroftiana and Caragana maxi

来源 :Journal of Arid Land | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfeiqi
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This study aims to investigate the protective roles of photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidative systems in the desiccation tolerance of Sophora moorcroftiana and Caragana maximovicziana as they adapt to arid environments. A variety of physiological and biochemical parameters in the leaves of two Leguminosae species were monitored for 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 d of drought stress. Soil water content decreased from 38.58% to 7.33% after exposure to 28 d of water stress. The photosynthetic carbon-assimilation rates of the two Leguminosae plants decreased for non-stomatal limitation with processing water stress. The malondialdehyde content and cell membrane relative conductivity of the two species increased significantly from 1 to 21 d and then decreased. S. moorcroftiana showed higher superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities than C. maximovicziana during the 28 d treatment period. However, the catalase activities and proline content of C. maximovicziana were higher than those of S. moorcroftiana before the water stress treatment reached 21 d. Nine physiological and biochemical parameters were selected to comprehensively evaluate the two species’ drought-resistance by the membership function values(MFV). The mean MFV indicated that S. moorcroftiana has a relatively stronger drought defense capability than C. maximovicziana. S. moorcroftiana mainly uses carbon-assimilation rate and osmotic adjustment to combat water deficiency. This study aims to investigate the protective roles of photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant systems in the desiccation tolerance of Sophora moorcroftiana and Caragana maximovicziana as they adapt to arid environments. A variety of physiological and biochemical parameters in the leaves of two Leguminosae species were monitored for 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 d of drought stress. Soil water content decreased from 38.58% to 7.33% after exposure to 28 d of water stress. The photosynthetic carbon-assimilation rates of the two Leguminosae plants decreased for non-stomatal limitation with processing water stress. The malondialdehyde content and cell membrane relative conductivity of the two species increased significantly from 1 to 21 d and then decreased. S. moorcroftiana showed higher superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities than C. maximovicziana during the 28 d treatment period. However, the catalase activities and proline content of C. maximovicziana were higher than those of S moorcroftiana before the water stress treatment reached 21 d. Nine physiological and biochemical parameters were selected to comprehensively evaluate the two species’ drought-resistance by the membership function values ​​(MFV). The mean MFV showed that S. moorcroftiana has a relatively stronger drought defense capability than C. maximovicziana. S. moorcroftiana mainly uses carbon-assimilation rate and osmotic adjustment to combat water deficiency.
摘 要 随着市场竞争形势逐渐激烈化,社会市场对服装设计人员的要求逐渐提高,这给高校的服装设计专业带来更大的挑战,然而目前的高校培养人才现状并不乐观,需要及时采取措施对服装设计专业教学进行优化。本文分析了高校服装设计专业教学遇到的问题,并提出了优化措施。  【关键词】服装设计专业;高校教学;优化  高校承担着向社会输送高级人才的重任,尤其是在服装行业人才需求量逐渐加大的情况之下,高校有义务为社会提供
摘 要 结合环境监测与治理技术专业人才培养模式和实践教学的内容,构建创新教育与实践教学体系,进一步深化该专业的实践教学改革,提出了具体措施和规划意见。  【关键词】环境监测与治理技术;实践基地;创新人才;规划探讨  1 引言  创新是21世纪知识经济时代的代名词。合理规划创新实践基地,是搞好创新实践教育的重要举措。高等院校环境监测与治理技术专业承载着培养具有创新精神和实践能力的环保类高端技能型人才
摘 要 德国的双元制职业教育为德国经济和社会发展提供了大量优秀劳动力,对我国当前的职业教育发展也有着重大影响。结合双元制的内涵及特点,笔者通过社会环境层面、职业院校层面、学生层面以及企业层面论述了双元制职业教育在我国的可实行性。  【关键词】双元制;职业教育;可实行性  2009年中国成为世界第一大出口国,从事制造业的人员达到2亿多,但是其主力军基本是从农村直接招募,经过短暂培训后便上岗的“农民工