
来源 :自然灾害学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lym50691064
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构成城市综合承灾能力的防灾能力、抗灾能力、救灾能力和灾后恢复能力是相互联系的。城市综合承灾能力与城市经济发展水平紧密相连。利用灰关联熵方法,分析了某城市各种承灾能力的关联性大小,以及综合承灾能力与城市经济发展水平的关联强度。但关联性强,却不能说明协调得就好。因此,又利用灰色系统理论的思想,分析了城市综合承灾能力与城市经济发展水平的协调关系,发现城市综合承灾能力对城市经济发展水平有明显的滞后性。分析得出该滞后性存在的原因后,通过对序列进行时间平移,证实了对滞后性原因的判断,并提出了加快加强城市综合承灾能力建设的建议,为后续发展奠定坚实基础。 Disaster preparedness, disaster resilience, disaster relief and post-disaster recovery capabilities that make up the city’s overall capacity for disaster preparedness are interrelated. The city’s integrated capacity for disaster prevention is closely linked with the level of urban economic development. By using the method of gray relation entropy, this paper analyzes the relevancy of various cities’ ability to undertake disasters and the strength of the correlation between the capacity of integrated disaster relief and the level of urban economic development. But the relevance is strong, but it does not mean that coordination is good. Therefore, by using the idea of ​​gray system theory, this paper analyzes the coordinated relationship between urban comprehensive disaster preparedness and urban economic development, and finds that the comprehensive urban plagues have significant lag in the level of urban economic development. After analyzing the reasons for the existence of the lag, the time lag of the sequence was confirmed to confirm the reason of lag and put forward the suggestion of speeding up the construction of integrated urban disaster preparedness, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent development.
中国自秦汉以来,就有环形钱,后定为外圆内方,人称“孔方兄”。唐代的钱——“开元通宝”重量稳定,可以当作天平砝码,“钱”便成了重量单位。十钱一两,160文钱即有一斤重。一贯钱有1000文,重量为6.25斤。这可是一大笔钱了。而“腰缠万贯”的有钱人估计是个超级大力士,因为一万贯钱足有6.25万斤重。  偷钱在古代也是个麻烦事。昆剧《十五贯》中的窃贼娄阿鼠蹑手蹑脚地偷了15贯钱,摆出了一副神不知鬼不觉的
(一) 埃及 [自然環境]埃及在地理條件上,可以說就是尼羅河,如果沒有尼羅河,埃及地方将與北非其他地方一樣,除沿海一帶外,基本上是沙漠,只個別綠洲的地區可有水源和土著的生
AIM:To study the criterion-reference of endotamponades in pars plana vitrectomy for metallic intraocular foreign body(MIOFD) associated with endophthalmitis.·
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