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近年来,省委、省政府全面实施东北老工业基地振兴战略,把旅游业作为支柱产业加快培育和建设。全省旅游经济持续增长,产业规模迅速扩展,队伍建设日益完善,对外开放步伐加快。我省旅游业发展正处于战略提升的关键时期。为适应旅游产业发展的新形势、新任务、新要求,亟需创新举措,明确任务,加快把旅游业培育成为我省战略性支柱产业。 In recent years, the provincial party committee and government have fully implemented the revitalization strategy of the northeast old industrial base and accelerated the cultivation and construction of tourism as a pillar industry. The province’s tourism economy continued to grow, the scale of the industry expanded rapidly, the ranks of the contingent were increasingly improved and the pace of opening to the outside world accelerated. Tourism development in our province is at a critical period of strategic upgrading. In order to meet the new situation, new tasks and new requirements for the development of the tourism industry, we urgently need innovative measures to clarify the tasks and speed up the cultivation of tourism as a strategic pillar industry in our province.
化工部对近期我国农药的发展方向,以及“八五”期间限制、淘汰的农药产品作出了以下明确规定: 1.农药的发展方向:杀虫剂要发展高效、安全、经济、方便的杀虫、杀螨虫、杀地
本文介绍日本铁道线路的发展动向,以及在线路维修改善、高速化技术、环境保护等方面的研究开发课题。 This article introduces the development trend of the Japanese rail
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The surface of individual, relatively dispersed Fe3O4 nanospheres is coated with a thiol-terminated silane, then the thiol on the Fe3O4 particles’ surfaces tre