
来源 :当代中国史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingshilin
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邓小平是中国社会主义现代化事业卓越的思想家和设计师。在中国共产党领导人民接续近代以来中国人的梦想、为国家实现现代化而艰苦奋斗的进程中,邓小平坚持将中国实际与现代化一般规律相结合的原则,强调全民族整体动员、奋起直追的现代化政治观念和社会意识,提出社会主义现代化是决定国家民族命运的千秋大业的观点,回答了中国为什么必须实现社会主义现代化的问题;他确定中国式的百年发展战略,设计了从温饱、小康到基本实现现代化的发展道路,回答了什么是中国式现代化的问题;他强调以经济发展为中心,大力发展生产力,重视知识和人才,通过改革开放推进中国现代化进程,回答了怎么样建设中国社会主义现代化的问题,从而为我国现代化建设提供了一整套思想理论、发展战略和步骤方法,领导中国人民走出了一条加快现代化步伐、实现民族复兴的崭新道路。 Deng Xiaoping is an outstanding thinker and designer in the cause of socialist modernization in China. In the process of the Chinese Communist Party leading the people in taking forward the dreams of the Chinese people in modern times and working hard to bring the country to modernization, Deng Xiaoping insisted on combining the principles of the general law of China with the general principles of modernization and emphasized the modernized politics of whole nation mobilization and catching up Concept and social consciousness, put forward the view that socialist modernization is the great cause that will determine the national destiny of our nation, and answer the question of why China must modernize its socialist economy. He determined that the Chinese-style strategy of a century-long development should be designed from a well-to-do level to a basically fulfilled He emphasized that taking economic development as the center, vigorously developing productive forces, attaching importance to knowledge and talent, pushing forward the process of China’s modernization through reform and opening up, and answering how to build China’s socialist modernization This has provided a whole set of ideological and theoretical, developmental strategies and procedures for the modernization of our country and led the Chinese people out of a brand-new way of accelerating the pace of modernization and realizing the national rejuvenation.
<正> 因土地使用权抵押制度新兴不久,对其基本问题未见系统的理论阐发。现结合抵押权一般原理,对我国土地使用权抵押的成立、效力、消灭等问题略加探讨。一、抵押权的成立问