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4582部队不少卫生员不善于做卫生预防工作,对打针和治病倒颇感兴趣,有的卫生员做了许多职外的工作,受到了连首长的表扬,而对营军医各个时期所布置的业务工作却不能坚决贯彻,对连队每天所发生的病员,心中无数,连队饭前洗手、传染病隔离等重要制度始终贯彻得不够好。所存在的这些问题,严重地影响了卫生制度扎扎实实地落实到连队。连队卫生员在工作上为什么会存在这些问题呢?该部经过调查研究后认为,最主要的一点是卫生员对预防为主、防治结合的卫生工作方针不知道或者没有认识,其次是缺乏做连队卫生工作的经验,这与少数卫生干部不善于通过带徒弟的方法把自己过去在连队做卫生工作的经验教给卫生员有关。针对以上问题,他们组织了一些有连队工作经验的卫生干部,逐营的召开连队卫生员会议,明确了我 Many health workers in the 4582 unit are not good at health prevention work, are quite interested in injecting and treating diseases, and some health workers have done many extra-professional tasks. They have been commended by the commander-in-chief, Work can not be resolutely implemented, the company suffered every day the patient, innumerable hearts, even the company before the hand wash, isolation of infectious diseases and other important system has not been implemented well enough. These existing problems have seriously affected the implementation of the health system in a down-to-earth manner. After the investigation and study of the ministry, the most important point is that the hygienists do not know or do not know the hygienic working guideline of combination of prevention and control, and secondly, the lack of team health work Which is related to the fact that a few health officers are not good at teaching their health workers through the experience of apprenticing themselves in the company with apprentices. In response to the above questions, they organized a number of health cadres who had a working experience in the company and held a company health team meeting by the camp to make it clear to me
肺心病急性发作期可使重要脏器组织缺氧。临床医师一般较重视PaO_2的变化,较少重视PvO_2的变化。现将我院1982~1984年住院的肺心病急性发作期病人108 Pulmonary heart disea
多器官衰竭(multiple organ failure,以下简称MOF)是近十年来急救医学领域中研究的新课题。然而老年MOF是最近才被认识的老年急救医学中严重危及生命的临床综合症,无论从发
儿童粗球孢子菌感染引起的喉梗阻很少见,但可危及生命。现报导1例接受免疫抑制剂治疗时的儿童球孢子菌病。病例 31个月的男婴,因日益加重的呼吸窘迫伴喘鸣2天收入当地医院,