Get Ready For The Games

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  Athletes from around the world went for the gold in Brazil. Organizers showed opening ceremonies filled with the sounds and rhythms of Brazil. But once the 2016 Summer Olympic Games got under way in Rio de Janeiro, the focus turned to sports. Nearly 11,000 of the world’s best athletes took part in the Games.
  The Olympics ran from August 5 to 21, with athletes from 206 countries competing in 42 sports. An audience of 4.3 billion watched on television. Then, from September 7 to 18, the Paralympic Games will shine the spotlight on 4,350 athletes with disabilities. This year’s Paralympics will feature athletes from 176 countries competing in 23 sports.
  Rio had prepared for the 2016 Olympics since 2009, when it won the bid to host the Games. New roads, buildings, and a 10-mile subway extension had been built. About 85,000 soldiers and police were set to provide security for athletes and fans. The cost of the Games was about $11 billion. But government scandals, a health crisis, and other challenges took a toll on the festivities.
  Although preparation for the Games had been filled with challenges, many athletes were excited about the upcoming Olympics. “Any time you get to represent your country is amazing,” U.S. swimmer Reece Whitley, 16, told TFK. “To represent your country at the largest sporting event in the world is a whole other story.”
  The record-breaking athlete was Sports Illustrated Kids’ 2015 SportsKid of the Year. He found out in July if he’s made it onto Team U.S.A. Each sport had its own Olympic trials.
  athlete n. 運动员
  Paralympic Games n. 残奥会
  extension n. 延伸,扩建
  scandal n. 丑闻
  Olympic trial n. 奥运会选拔赛
  (Do you know anything more about the 31st Summer Olympics?)
The verb “see” is used when observing something through the eyes, but it also means to visit, to have a relationship with another person, and to understand.  1. We went to see a play at this theater. 
The verb “make” means to create or produce; however, this word has many different meanings, so think carefully about each situation in which it is used.  “make”用法举例  1. He’s making a pizza.  make = co
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