Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Strain HAS against Sporisorium scitaminea Sydow

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wmxlg2008
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The present study was to screen and identify a biocontrol strain with antagonistic effect against Sporisorium scitaminea Sydow. 16 S rDNA gene fragments were amplified by universal primers P0 and P6. The results showed that 16 S rDNA gene fragment with the size of 1 533 bp was obtained,and its sequence had the homology of 99% with the sequence of Bacillus subtilis. The morphological characteristics of the strain were as follows: the mycelium of strain HAS was short-rod shape,and could move; Gram staining was positive; 3% KOH solubility test was negative; flagellum was grown around the cells; spores were grown in the middle,elliptic,and cysts were slightly swelled. The strain was preliminarily identified as B. subtilis. Dual culture with pathogenic fungi showed that the strain had good inhibitory effect against various pathogenic fungi causing diseases on sugarcane and other crops. Therefore,strain HAS isolated in the study was identified to be B.subtilis,which had good control effect against S. scitaminea. The present study was to screen and identify a biocontrol strain with antagonistic effect against Sporisorium scitaminea Sydow. 16 S rDNA gene fragments were amplified by universal primers P0 and P6. The results showed that 16 S rDNA gene fragment with the size of 1 533 bp was obtained, and its sequence had the homology of 99% with the sequence of the Bacillus subtilis. The morphological characteristics of the strain were as follows: the mycelium of strain HAS was short-rod shape, and could move; Gram staining was positive; 3% KOH solubility test was negative; flagellum was grown around the cells; spores were grown in the middle, elliptic, and cysts were slightly swelled. The strain was preliminarily identified as B. subtilis. Dual culture with pathogenic fungi showed that the strain had good inhibitory effect against various pathogenic fungi causing diseases on sugarcane and other crops. which, strain HAS isolated in the study was identified to be B. subtilis, which had good control effect a gainst S. scitaminea.
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孔子的弟子子贡遇到一个来请教孔子的人。子貢问,您有什么问题问我的老师呢?  对方说,我想问问一年有几季。子贡说,四季啊。对方说,不对,明明是三季!双方争吵起来,声音惊动了孔子。  孔子观察了一会儿,对那个人说,你说得对,是三季。那人大笑而去。  子贡问,先生,一年为何是三季?  孔子说,你看那个人一身青衣,应该是蚂蚱所变。蚂蚱春生秋亡,哪里见过冬天?在他的脑子里根本没有冬天,所以他就是个三季人,你
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