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在商品经济的条件下,社会生产过程是直接生产过程与流通过程的统一.与此相适应,工业企业必须以市场为对象,用心研究价值规律的作用,把企业内部的生产技术条件与外部变化着的市场结合起来,在竞争中求得生存和发展,获得最佳的经济效益.为了实现这一目标,在实际工作中必须紧紧抓住“产品一市场,这个中心环节,着要于确定企业服务领域、产品结构和销售策略的制定。确定转移企业的服务领域,是一项长期发展的战略决策。因此,要对企业原来的服务领域和可能的服务领域进行认真考察,不仅要考察其现状,而且要把握先进技术的发展趋向,做出定性研究和定量分析,力求保持一批相对稳定的服务对象.服务领域的调整和转移,是对企业生产技技术条件的更新过程,需要进行规模不等的投资,涉及企业内、外一系列工作和业务上的衔接.因此,这种转移要 Under the conditions of the commodity economy, the social production process is the unification of the direct production process and the circulation process. In response to this, the industrial enterprise must take the market as the object, study the role of the value law with intentions, and take the internal technical conditions and external changes of the enterprise. The market is integrated, survival and development are sought in the competition, and the best economic benefits are obtained. In order to achieve this goal, we must firmly grasp the “product-market, the central link, and the determination The formulation of enterprise service areas, product structures, and sales strategies. The determination of the service areas for the transfer of enterprises is a long-term strategic decision. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the original service areas and possible service areas of the company, not only to examine The status quo, but also to grasp the development trend of advanced technology, to make qualitative research and quantitative analysis, and strive to maintain a relatively stable group of service objects. Adjustment and transfer of service areas, is the process of updating the company’s production and technical conditions, the need for scale Unequal investment involves a series of work and business connections within and outside the enterprise. Therefore, this kind of
北京荣建建材有限公司是中国第一家引进美国Bess-er V3-12自动化砌块生产线的合资企业,总投资2800万元人民币,主要生产用来取代粘土砖的混凝土空心承重砌块、装饰砌块、铺地砌块等三大系列三十
美国零售商Sharper Image日前宣布破产。它曾以搜寻新颖独特的产品为己任,将其制作成目录营销,同时进入旗下184个实体店销售。这些产品包括了机器狗、电子空气净化器、卡拉OK伴唱机和生理自动反馈减压仪。  但创新并不是营销战略,那些依靠持续大量创新产品的企业最后总避免不了陷入困境,Sharper Image就是一个例子。  成功企业都需要营销战略,这些战略或许包含创新的元素,或许没有。然而很
今人说到笔,首先想到的可能是钢笔、铅笔等日常使用的书写工具。但在历史上,笔曾专指毛笔。作为文房四宝之首,它曾伴随莘莘学子寒窗伏案,黄卷昏灯;亦曾协助文人雅士笔走龙蛇,填词作赋。每当看到在精致的笔筒中、古雅的笔架上静候我们的老友,一种眷恋之情便油然而生。    笔之起源    按流传甚广的说法,秦代名将蒙恬是毛笔的发明者。据《太平御览》引晋代张华《博物志》云:“蒙恬造笔。”但如此重要之贡献,《史记·
Tensile properties of automotive needlepunched carpets made up of two layers of different materials (a fabric layer and a foam layer) in their thermoforming tem
记得以前看过一篇题为《最伟大的吻》的文章,它带给我诸多启示。文章大意是:以前有一位漂亮的女教师,十分受学生特别是男生欢迎。一次,她在 I remember reading an article