Tensile Properties with or without Heat Dispersion of Automotive Needlepunched Carpets Made up of Tw

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilyfanwen
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Tensile properties of automotive needlepunched carpets made up of two layers of different materials (a fabric layer and a foam layer) in their thermoforming temperatures ranges with or without heat dispersion were discussed. Effects of forming temperature, extensile speed and fiber orientation on the tensile properties were studied based on an orthogonal experiment design. The ex-perimental results show that automotive carpets are rate-dependent anisotropic materials and more strongly depend on forming temperature than the extensile speed and fiber orientation. Furthermore, contributions of the fabric layer and the foam layer to the overall tensile performance were investigated by comparing the tensile results of single fabric layer with those of the overall carpet. Both the fabric layer and the foam layer show positive effects on the overall tensile strength which is the combination of the two layers’ tensile strength and independent of temperature, extensile speed and fiber orientation. On the other hand, their influences on the overall deformation are relatively complicated. Tensile properties of automotive needlepunched carpets made up of two layers of different materials (a fabric layer and a foam layer) in their thermoforming temperatures ranges with or without heat dispersion were discussed. Effects of forming temperature, extensile speed and fiber orientation on the tensile properties were studied based on an orthogonal experiment design. The ex-perimental results show that automotive carpets are rate-dependent anisotropic materials and more strongly depend on forming temperatures than the extensile speed and fiber orientation. Furthermore, contributions of the fabric layer and the foam layer to the overall tensile performance were investigated by comparing the tensile results were investigated by comparing the tensile results were comparing the tensile results which are the combination of the two layers’ tensile strength and independent of temperature, extensile speed and fiber orienta tion. On the other hand, their influences on the overall deformation are relatively complicated.
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