Rainbow English Idioms

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  【Abstract】Learning English is fun, especially when you are exposed to a rich repertoire of different idioms which are closely related to people’s life with the words of animals, plants, parts of the body, colors and so on. Getting a good knowledge of English idioms can help us understand English culture, express ourselves appropriately and avoid using Chinese English. The following are some English idioms focusing on different colors.
  【Key words】 English idioms, colors
  1. RED
  1.1 give someone a red-carpet treatment: give someone a warm welcome
  We’ll give the guests a red-carpet treatment.
  1.2. A red-letter day: a special day, an important or memorable day
  It was a red-letter day when I received the admission letter of my dream university.
  1.3.a red-hot story: a completely new story
  ---Do you know Tom will go abroad for college education next semester?
  ---Really? It’s a red-hot story for me.
  1.4. be in the red: be in debt
  My bank account is $100 in the red.
  1.5.be out of the red: be out of debt
  Smart as the company is, it has been out of the red for years.
  1.6. not worth a red cent: be worthless
  They don’t think the proposal worth a red cent.
  1.7. catch sb red-handed: discover sb in the act of doing something wrong or committing a crime
  Tom felt guilty. He was caught red-handed while cheating in the exam.
  1.8. paint the town red: go out and enjoy oneself in the bars, night clubs, etc
  Those guys have dropped out of school and they paint the town red on weekends.
  1.9. to see red: to be very angry
  Seeing his son’s poor grades in the test, the father saw red.
  2.0. red-eye: late-night transportation when passengers are tired and have “red eyes”(夜航航班)
  To save money, some passengers prefer red eyes.
  2.1.as round as an orange: extremely round
  Look at the moon tonight. It is as round as an orange.
  2.2 an orange gay: a complete gay
  ---Is Jason an orange gay? ----No, he has a girl friend.
  3. GREEN
  3.1 a green hand: a person who is inexperienced
  Don’t trick me. I’m not a green hand in this field.
  3.2. give sb the green light: give sb permission to do sth
  Do you think that they will give us the green light to carry on the experiment?
  3.3. be green with envy: be very jealous
  He was absolutely green with envy when he saw my new Jaguar car.   4. BLUE
  4.1 be blue: be sad, depressed
  Don’t look so blue---smile.
  4.2. once in a blue moon: almost never (难得有一次, 极为罕见)
  He is so mean that he lends his money once in a blue moon.
  4.3. out of the blue: unexpectedly
  Out of the blue, he got a phone call from a friend he hadn’t seen for years.
  Disasters always comes to you out of the blue.
  4.4. black and blue: be covered with bruises(挫伤)
  After the fight, he was black and blue all over.
  4.5. scream / shout blue murder: to complain very loudly
  Don’t scream blue murder. It’s quite fair.
  4.6. a blue-eyed boy: someone’s favorite
  Smith is the boss’s blue-eyed boy at the moment.
  5.1.go purple in the face (气得脸发青)
  Seeing his damaged car, he went purple in the face.
  5.2. purple-heart: medal awarded to a soldier who has been wounded in the battle
  His grandpa possesses two Purple-hearts.
  Additional idioms with colors
  6. BLACK
  6.1. in black and white: in writing or in print (以书面形式,见诸文字)
  We need the contact in black and white.
  6.2. black out: lose one’s consciousness or memory temporarily
  The sudden collision caused the driver to black out.
  6.3. a black day: a very bad day
  It was a black day when I failed in the exam.
  7. WHITE
  7.1 a white lie: a harmless lie
  For some reason, people need to tell white lies.
  7.2. a white hope: a person who is expected to bring great success.
  Mike is a regarded as a white hope in his class.
  8. DARK
  8.1. be in the dark about sth: be in the state of ignorance (对…… 一无所知)
  I was in the dark about the result until the last moment.
  8.2. a dark horse: a person who hides special qualities or abilities
  He was really a dark horse. No one had expected that he should win.
  8.3. keep sth dark: keep sth secret
  I won’t tell you about it unless you can keep it dark.
  9. PINK
  be in the pink: be extremely healthy
  The children all looked in the pink after their holiday.
  10. BROWN
  10.1.as brown as a berry: sun-burnt
  When she was back from her holiday, she became as brown as a berry.
  10.2. in a brown study: in deep thought
  He was sitting in the corner of the library, in a brown study.
在电影《楚门的世界》里,楚门是一部热门肥皂剧的主人公,他身边的所有事情都是虚假的,他的亲人和朋友全都是演员,但他本人对此一无所知。最终楚门不惜一切代价走出了这个虚拟的世界。   有没有一瞬间,你对自己存在的世界也产生了怀疑,觉得自己也可能是“楚门”?你发现生活的每一天都在重复,见同样的人,说同样的话,做同样的事,好像所有的轨迹都是被安排好的,好像这也是个“虚假的世界”?那么如果你真的被困在其中,
在世界上所有的花中,  我不知道哪一种最香,哪一种最美,  哪一种最吵闹。  我只知道,他们  在我家门前的花坛里窃窃私语,  在学校的小树林中轻声聊天。  其实我都能隐隐听到。
班里长得漂亮的女生,总是不用担心小组活动的时候落单;长得帅气的男生,无论球打得多烂,大家还会觉得酷酷的。关于外貌协会这件事儿,有人说“爱美之心人皆有之”,有错吗?嗯,没错!也有人说“内心的美比外貌更重要”,言之有理!那么,关于外貌协会,你是如何看的?——青灰色  @江 江:我认为这算是对美的一种追求。因为外观是最直接的展示,如果非要把这些说成是外貌协会,我也不反对。那么,我是外貌协会的一员了。但这
2017年4月3日,俄罗斯圣彼得堡市地铁发生恐袭爆炸案,给本来应该春暖花开、莺歌燕语的明媚春天披上了一层阴影。国内的家人朋友纷纷慰问,“是否平安”“注意安全”……让我感动不已,我告诉大家这里很好,人们彼此友爱,相互帮助,把对恐怖组织的痛恨变为对美好生活的热爱。  不知不觉,我已经在圣彼得堡留学满一年了。去年4月中旬,第一次踏出国门的我来到了这座有着“北方威尼斯”美称的城市,全新的经历就此展开—— 
兰亭:著名的书法圣地,因王羲之的《兰亭集序》而成名。  鲁迅:中国现代文学的奠基人,也是所有语文教材中最熟悉的面孔。  绍兴茴香豆:绍兴著名小吃,你知道“茴”有几种写法吗?  王羲之:东晋时期著名书法家,连唐太宗李世民都是他的忠实粉丝。  黄酒:中国汉族的特产酒,光是闻着味道,就让人醉了。  新昌花生:油而不腻,香甜爽口,就是个头比较小。  臭豆腐:爱吃的是闻臭而动,不爱吃的是避之唯恐不及。  越
我留意你说了这句话:“要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着。”这是谁说的?刘伟。  刘伟我不必多介绍,在达人秀舞台上,他用脚趾弹出《爱的代价》的旋律,唱出“还记得年少时的梦吗?像朵永远不凋零的花……”他的嗓子并不算好,但我的眼泪流下来了。  他本来或许是一个普通的小孩,可以无忧无虑没心没肺地活着,可是在10岁时因触电意外失去双臂,于是,他失去了做一个平凡人的资格。他学游泳,学得不错,都差点拿到残奥会金牌了,
【摘要】目前大学英语教学中存在着文化导入“一边倒”的现象,大多数老师只关注英语文化的教学,忽略了本土文化的英语介绍及传播。本文从外语教学的研究现状及发展趋势出发,以江西科技学院为例,分析了大学英语教学中本土文化缺失的现状及在教学中加强本土文化教学的重要性,论述了如何在大学英语教学中导入本土文化。  【关键词】大学英语教学 本土文化 导入  随着国际交流日益频繁,大学英语教学由最初的强调语言形式的教
他从小就过两个生日,一个在8月,另一个在9月。等他大到懂得问为什么,妈妈笑着说:“暑假里不方便请同学吃蛋糕呀。再说了,处女座不好,洁癖、不爽气——你不想当狮子吗?多霸气。”  不知道几时起,他知道了真正的答案:为了让他早一年上学,爸妈想办法改了他的出生日期。他们说:“凡事赶早不赶晚,宁抢一秒,不等三分。早上学早就业,连娶媳妇都比人家早。”  但有些事,注定是“起个大早赶个晚集”。他向来是全班最矮的
鸟叔,真名胡天磊,网易盘古游戏工作室总监 ,大型3D MMORPG游戏《天谕》制作人,浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院博士后,副教授。  鸟叔的办公室是网易大楼中再普通不过的一间屋子,简洁、干净,和工作室其他成员的办公桌仅一墙之隔。“《天谕》很多次重要讨论都是在这间办公室完成的,因为没有窗户看着特别黑,所以我们习惯叫它小黑屋。”  坐在“小黑屋”里的鸟叔,完全没有想象中游戏“大佬”的姿态,反而更像一个