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【典子的话】海明威《老人与海》中的老渔夫历尽千辛万苦捕获的大马林鱼,最后被鲨鱼吃得只剩下一副骨架,但是他那种永不服输的精神却鼓舞了一代又一代人。典子把这幅漫画的预告刊登在杂志上的时候,还想着大家会对画中人那不成比例的收获嗤之以鼻呢。但很多同学却能从画中体会出过程带来的快乐和满足,并不只看重最后的收获。其实生活中我们更应该看重的是体验,因为过于看重功利的人生必然是苦于钻营、熙攘奔忙的。环境问题也得到了大家的关注,呼吁共同保护人类赖以生存的家园。言辞切切,值得我们警醒。还有同学从画中人肩扛的四根鱼竿说起,告诫我们做事情要专心致志,不可把过多的精力投入到无谓的事情中去。典子感到大家的观点都很能体现当代中学生昂扬的精神面貌。尤其是俞清清同学,她的观点思辨性强,文辞清丽。她将得到由北京新经典文化公司提供的《这样学习最有效》一书。其他同学加油呀,下次获奖的也许就是你! [Original words] The old fisherman of Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” took great pains to capture the Marlins, and finally was eaten by the sharks with only a skeleton, but his spirit of perseverance was encouraged. Generation after generation. When Putian published the preview of the comic on the magazine, he also thought that everyone would sniff at the disproportionate harvest of the artist. However, many students can appreciate the happiness and satisfaction brought about by the process of painting, not just the final harvest. In fact, we should value our experience more in our lives. For people who value too much of utilitarian life must be suffering from hardships and bustles. The environmental issue has also received everyone’s attention and calls for joint protection of the homes on which humankind lives. The rhetoric is worthy of our wakefulness. There are also four classmates talking about the four fish in the shoulders of the artist, telling us to concentrate on doing things and not putting too much energy into unnecessary things. Dianzi feels that everyone’s views are very reflective of the spirit of contemporary high school students. Especially Yu Qingqing’s classmate, she has a strong point of view, and she is very clear-minded. She will be given the book “This Learning is Most Effective” provided by Beijing New Classic Culture Company. Other students cheer you, maybe the next time you win!
一、目前的验收标准及存在问题 泰山-12拖拉机的液压悬挂系统为简单半分置式。主要有单柱塞油泵、分配阀(与泵一体)和油缸三大元件构成。而目前各生产厂称它们为前盖总成(泵
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本文对季节性冻土地区,渠系建筑物遭受冻胀危害的原因及其防治措施进行了较为系统的剖析。此外,并对尚待研究的问题提出了建议。 This paper systematically analyzes the c
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