Reconstruct the form of unilateral cleft lip ala nasi and upper lip with improved Tennsion method to

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxh0532
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Objective Improving the traditional Tennsion method to explore more reasonable re pair method for unilateral cleft lip.Methods37cases were operated to reconstruct the ala nasi and upper lip philtrum r idge form with rotatory alae nasi triangle flap plus improved Tennsion method,and compared the operational results with that of traditional Tennsion method.Results The improved Tennison method acquir ed a more beautiful nose and upper lip,it rehabilitated the ala nasi and restored t he physiological function of the orb iculars muscle.Conclusion Improved Tennsion method wins an essentially satisfactory operational result of unilateral cleft lip. Objective Improving the traditional Tennsion method to explore more reasonable re pair method for unilateral cleft lip. Methods 37 cases were operated to reconstruct the ala nasi and upper lip philtrum r idge form with rotatory ala nasi triangle flap plus improved tennsion method, and compared the operational results with that of the traditional Tennsion method. Results of the Improved Tennison method acquir ed a more beautiful nose and upper lip, it rehabilitated the a nasi and restored t he physiological function of the orb iculars muscle. Conlusion Improved Tennsion Method wins a substantial satisfactory operational result of unilateral cleft lip.
该院陈永进教授等,经过十余年潜心研究,在颅颌系统功能紊乱症 Professor Chen Yongjin hospital, after more than ten years of painstaking research, cranial jaw syste
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