
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hb2005_2009
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The etiology of mycosis fungoides (MF) is uncertain, although infectious agents and other environmental exposures have been implicated. We describe what appears to be the first case inwhich both a husband and his wife were diagnosed with large cell transformation of MF. After 10 years of having stage I MF,the wife developed tumors that showed sheets of large transformed cells with dysplastic nuclei on skin biopsies, leadingto a diagnosis of transformed MF. Her husband was diagnosed 14 months later with transformed MF following a biopsy of his right arm and leg after a 15-year history of presumed psoriasis. The fact that this rare occurrence happened in a couple who had been married for more than 25 years points to a common environmental exposure. Future studies should aim to clarify the potential role of infectious agents, such as human T-lymphotropic virus I and II, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and other environmental exposures, in the development of MF. The etiology of mycosis fungoides (MF) is uncertain, although infectious agents and other environmental exposures have been implicated. We describe the appears to be the first case inwhich both a husband and his wife were diagnosed with large cell transformation of MF. After 10 years of having stage I MF, the wife developed tumors that showed sheets of large transformed cells with dysplastic nuclei on skin biopsies, leading to a diagnosis of transformed MF. after a 15-year history of presumed psoriasis. The fact that this rare occurrence happened in a couple who had been married for more than 25 years points to a common environmental exposure. Future studies should aim to clarify the potential role of infectious agents, such as human T-lymphotropic virus I and II, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and other environmental exposures, in the development of MF.
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财富:4.3亿元  年龄:37岁  出生地:河南郑州  教育背景:MBA  主要公司:河南江海集团  总部所在地:河南郑州  首次证券市场融资:未上市  主要行业:酒店业、建筑业    尹爱萍,1964年10月生于河南省郑州市,郑州大学新闻系本科、河南大学MBA。1987年至199O年7且在河南省国际信托投资公司工作,历任总经理助理,副总经理;1990年至1993年1月创建郑州江海电教器材公司任总