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[本刊讯记者沙丁]2006年7月6日,由中国物流与采购联合会和汇通天下信息技术有限公司共同举办的“全国普通货物运价指数新闻发布会”在京召开。这是继6月15日召开的《公路运价指数编制方法》专家论证会之后的“全国普通货物运价指数”的正式对外发布。发布会由中国物流与采购联合会副秘书长、中国物流信息中心主任蔡进主持,中国物流与采购联合会戴定—副会长发布了今年上半年全国普通货物运价指数和货运价格走势报告,汇通天下信息技术有限公司总经理翟学魂对运价指数的总体方案,包括编制背景、编制原则、数据采集渠道和方法、指数编制方法等作了详细的介绍。普通货物运价指数是中国物流与采购联合会物流基础统计体系的组成部分,联合会委托并指导汇通天下信息技术有限公司完成具体的数据采集、加工处理和指数编制工作。该指数是由全国360条公路运输线路上的市场价格汇总而成,自2005年12月起开始数据采集,目前已形成以2006年1月5日为基期的2006年1~6月各月的运价指数。普通货物运价指数体系由综合指数、整车指数、零担 [Press correspondent Sardin] July 6, 2006, by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and Huitong World Information Technology Co., Ltd. jointly organized the “National General Freight Index Press Conference” held in Beijing. This is the official release of the “National General Freight Index” after the expert demonstration on “Method for compiling the highway freight index” held on June 15. The conference was chaired by Cai Jin, deputy secretary-general of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and director of China Logistics Information Center. Dai Ding, vice president of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, released the report on the freight index and freight price of the country’s general cargoes in the first half of this year , General Manager of Huitong Tiandi Information Technology Co., Ltd. Zhai Xue-ting gave a detailed introduction to the general plan of freight index, including compiling background, compilation principle, data collection channels and methods, index preparation method. The General Freight Index is an integral part of the logistics foundation statistical system of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. The Federation entrusts and directs Huitong Tianxia Information Technology Co., Ltd. to complete specific data collection, processing and index preparation. The index is compiled from the market prices of 360 highway transportation lines across the country. Data collection has started since December 2005. At present, the index has been formed for each month from January to June 2006 with the January 5, 2006 as the base period Freight Index. General cargo freight index system by the composite index, vehicle index, LTL
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