Overview of Researches on Social Capital,Human Capital and Social Integration of New Generation Migr

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanglq
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With urbanization and socio-economic development,new generation migrant workers play an increasingly important role in urban construction. However,for a long time,their social integration situation in inflow places is not ideal. Academic circle has done a lot of researches,but no effective strategy is so far put forward. Through analysis of domestic and foreign researches,it is found that social capital and human capital have an important influence on social integration of new generation migrant workers. This paper takes this as starting point,combines characteristics of new generation migrant workers,and overviews theories and empirical researches of domestic and foreign famous scholars,to explore the relationship between social capital and human capital and social integration of new generation migrant workers. With urbanization and socio-economic development, new generation migrant workers play an important important role in urban construction. However, for a long time, their social integration situation in inflow places is not ideal. Academic circle has done a lot of researches, but no effective strategy is so far put forward. Through analysis of domestic and foreign researches, it is found that social capital and human capital have an important influence on social integration of new generation migrant workers. This paper takes this as starting point, combines characteristics of new generation migrant workers, and overviews theories and empirical researches of domestic and foreign famous scholars, to explore the relationship between social capital and human capital and social integration of new generation migrant workers.
北纬30度线——一条充满无数待解之谜的神奇纬线!北纬30度线,其实是一条看不见的线,一条地理学家为方便研究地球而画出的虚拟线,然而却没有任何一条经线或纬线有 30 degrees
“社会的进步 ,就是人类对美的追求的结晶。”马克思的话揭示了美学的真谛 ,也启悟了我们的思考 :教育离不开美。作为师范院校小学教育专业的教师 ,如何在本学科的教学中实施
据1月13日西班牙《国家报》报道,在1月12日揭晓的 NH 奖中,2000年度出版的最佳故事集被阿纳格拉玛推出的《再见,新娘》摘取,作者是西班牙知名女作家索莱达·德·普尔托拉斯
思想品德活动课拓宽了教学空间,激发了学生的学习兴趣,发挥了学生的主体作用,对于培养学生主动参与、主动探究、主动实践的能力和合作精神具有重要的现实意义。但在实际教学中,活动课有时并未完全突显其特色,甚至还存在一些认识和操作上的问题。因此,如何在思想品德教学中有效运用活动课教学,值得我们关注。    一、目前思想品德活动课教学的尴尬状况    1 部分教师存在认识不足的问题。思想品德活动课是教育教学改
情感教育就是在具体的教育教学过程中 ,教育工作者依照教育学和心理学的理论 ,借助于各种教学手段 ,激发并培养学生健康情感的一种教育方式。语文学科作为一门基础学科 ,必须