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近几年来,信用社注重依靠法律手段清收贷款,已经收到了显著效果。但是,个别贷款因超过法定的诉讼时效期间,被驳回诉讼请求,使信用社丢失了胜诉权,影响了信用社的声誉,加剧了贷款的风险程度,也助长了某些贷户拖债、赖债的思想。因此,笔者就信用社在依法收贷中应该如何注意法定的诉讼时效问题,谈点粗浅的看法。 一、关于诉讼时效的有关法律规定 什么是诉讼时效2根据我国《民法通则》的规定,是指权利人在法定期间内不行使权利,就丧失了请求人民法院保护民事权益的权利的法律制度。 诉讼时效期间有多长?《民法通则》第 In recent years, credit unions have focused on relying on legal means to collect loans and have received remarkable results. However, when individual loans were overdue for legal limitation, they were dismissed from litigation claims, causing the credit cooperatives to lose their right to win the court, affecting the reputation of the credit cooperatives, aggravating the risk of loans, and contributing to some credit borrowing delays Debt thinking. Therefore, the author of the credit cooperatives in accordance with the law should be how to pay attention to statutory limitations of the statute of limitations, talk about the superficial view. First, the relevant statutory provisions on the statute of limitation What is the statutory limitation 2 According to China's “General Principles of Civil Law,” refers to the rights of people during the statutory period does not exercise their rights, they have lost the right to request people's courts to protect civil rights and legal system. How long is the limitation of action?
安阳钢铁公司新建紧凑型炼钢厂  近日 ,安阳钢铁公司成功新建紧凑型炼钢厂 ,该厂设计产能为 70万 t,由奥钢联技术工程公司 ( VAI)及奥钢联子公司德国福克斯公司 ( FU CHS)
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同学之间难免会发生一些小摩擦、闹一点小矛盾,怎样面对矛盾的发生,你有什么好的办法来解决它呢?本期小编请来了北京市东城区曙光小学的老师和同学们一起来谈谈这个问题。 S